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What Does It Take to Assemble a Blog Tour?

by Kellyn Roth |
October 15, 2018

I’ve been complimented a lot on how much work I’ve been doing lately what with the multiple blog tours running – one being my own!

And though I appreciate the encouragement – it is encouraging, indeed! – it doesn’t feel … merited to me? A lot of the things I do are automatic.

But for you up-and-coming authors to whom blog tour hosting looks like an impossible chore, let me give you a quick run-down of an author’s duties while setting up and running a blog tour!

Okay, let me answer a few FAQ:

What is a blog tour?

A blog tour is like an online book tour.Ā A group of bloggers agree to post about your book on set dates.

It’s a great way to get word about your new book out into the world! Also, it’s fun.

What sorts of things do bloggers post during a blog tour?

Author interviews, reviews, book spotlights … I also do guest posts, guest posts written by my characters, and interviews with my characters!

How long should my blog tour be?

I’ve seen everything from three days to a month! My favorite length is a week. However, it’s up to you!

Now, without further ado, here’s what I do to put together a blog tour. (I’m using Beyond Her Calling‘s tour as an example in this case).

#1: Put together a sign up form and advertise it.

Make sure it’s easy to use and includes all the details you need! Usually, asking for interview questions is great, too.

Timeline: I got the signup form for Beyond Her Calling up on September 28th. I left them open until the 8th myself.

#2: Put together a media kit.

I’m not going to share a media kit here, but here’s what it should include (at least):

  • In a document (preferably Google Docs), you should have:
    1. The blog tour schedule.
    2. The book blurb.
    3. Book links (Amazon, Goodreads).
    4. The author bio.
    5. Author links (blog, website, social media).
    6. Giveaway info (what the giveaway is for, link, and HTML).
  • Attached to the email or in a Google Docs folder, you should have:
    1. The book cover.
    2. Author image.
    3. Promotional graphics (you should have at least one blog tour graphic).
    4. Book quotes (optional but cool).

Timeline: I got the media kit put together and sent out by the 13th (yesterday). At least a week before the blog tour begins in preferable.

For reviewers, get the ARC sent out as soon as you can. Mine didn’t get out until the 11th because I was running behind schedule. I would have liked to send it out the weekend before, though.

#3: Lots and lots of interview questions.

This is honestly what I spend 99% of my time doing these days? That and writing guest posts, of course, since I offer that.

Be sure to proofread, don’t feel a need to be wise, and you’ll be fine.Ā ?

Timeline: I hope to finish sending off the questions before the end of this week, but at the very least, give the bloggers 3-5 days to get their post assembled (bare minimum)!

#4: Get your first post put together.

I personally like to post every day of my personal blog tours. I like to do themed posts (see examples).

But at least get your first post put together (which can serve as a template in the future) ahead of time.

Timeline: a couple days beforehand.

#5: Actually run the blog tour.

Here are some duties you’ll have during the tour:

  • Post every day if that’s your preference!
  • Reply to all the comments.
  • Make sure all the peoples get their posts out.

#6: Announce the winner.

Yeah, that’s about it.

And you’re done.

Let me know if you have any questions!


~Kellyn Roth~


Have you ever run a blog tour? Participated in one? What are your thoughts on blog tours? Was this informative or boring? Would you like to see more “this is how I do stuff” posts?

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14 Responses

  1. Great post! It was fun learning about how author/blog tour hosts assemble blog tours. šŸ™‚ Btw, can you check if my blog is one of the blog tour stops? I vaguely remember wanting to sign up (either I did end up signing up and didn’t get the email for some reason or I decided not to)? Thanks! šŸ˜€


  2. It took me awhile before I understood what a blog tour was. They are lots of fun! I didn’t realize just how much work into it but I’m grateful for all of those who come together to give us such a magical time!

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