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Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 1

by Kellyn Roth |
October 20, 2018

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to the first day of the Beyond Her Calling blog tour! I’m so excited to have you here.

Remember, there’s a giveaway, a Facebook party, and tons of amazing posts (as well as this one), so stick around! There’s something for everyone.

Now, this post is going to cover a lot, so let’s jump right in!

Unofficial Blurb

A clean and pure Christian historical romance with:

-friendship to romance (which is actually based on love)

-mental disabilities rep




-cows (and being afraid of cows)


-small adorable children

-more Scotland

-awesome families

-siblings and best friends and both at once

Read More About the Book

Right now it’s only available in Kindle, but paperback shall follow as soon as Kindle Direct Publishing gets its stuff together!

Today’s Posts

Author Interview // Molly @ A Sparkle of Light

In this interview, I talk about novels I wrote before The Dressmaker’s Secret, etc. So proud of Molly for participating in her first ever blog tour! Just a champion. 😍

Review // Lisa @ Inkwell

WOW. As always, Lisa doesn’t fail to exceed my expectations with an AMAZING review that just makes me so emotional and happy!

Review & Character Interview (Jordy) // Amie @ Crazy A

This is my favorite review and character interview EVER! Jordy is so amusing, and I absolutely adore this review! It’s like … everything I’d want a reader to say about Beyond Her Calling! Definitely read it.

Character Interview (Ivy) // Jo @ The Lens and the Hard Drive

Waiting on this interview.

Book Spotlight // Annie @ Letters from Annie Douglass Lima

I love this spotlight because it is neat and clean and pretty … it looks so well put-together! If you need a slightly less rambly post to view all the info about this book, me, and the tour, that’s the place to go!

The Schedule

Saturday, October 20th

Intro Post // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Author Interview // Molly @ A Sparkle of Light

Review // Lisa @ Inkwell

Review & Character Interview (Jordy) // Amie @ Crazy A

Character Interview (Ivy) // Jo @ The Lens and the Hard Drive

Book Spotlight // Annie @ Letters from Annie Douglass Lima

Sunday, October 21st

Theme Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Guest Post by Character (Ivy) & Review // Grace M. Morris

Book Spotlight // Erika Messer @ Maiden of the Pages

Author Interview // Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger

Monday, October 22nd

Ivy Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Character Interview (Ivy) // Loretta Marchize @ Just Writing

Review // Andrea Cox @ Writing to Inspire

Character Interview (Jordy) // Liz @ Home with the Hummingbirds

Author & Character Interview (Violet) // Julia @ Julia’s Creative Corner

Review & Character Spotlight (Ivy) // Caroline Kloster @ Inside the Autistic Life

Tuesday, October 23rd

Jordy Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Author Interview // Faith Blum @ Bookish Orchestrations

Review & Guest Post // Cara @ Jessie Bingham

Guest Post // Lindsi @ One Beginner To Another

Character Spotlight (Ena) // Shannon McDermott @ Shannon’s Blog

Wednesday, October 24th

Violet Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Guest Post // Germaine Han @ The Writing Mafia

Review // Jana T. @ Reviews from the Stacks

Thursday, October 25th

Real Life Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Book Spotlight // Gabriellyn Gidman @ PageTurners

Author Interview // Sara Willoughby @ Th!nk Magazine

Review // Michaela Bush @ Tangled Up In Writing

Guest Post by Character (Violet) // Peggy M. McAloon @ Peggy’s Hope 4U

Friday, October 26th

Future Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Review // Abigail McKenna @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors

Review // Gracelyn Buckner @ Literatura

Review // Katherine Brown Books

Review // Bella Putt

Saturday, October 27th

Wrapup Post // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Character Interview & Spotlight (Jordy) // Kaylee @ Kaylee’s Kind of Writes

Book Spotlight // Abigail Harder @ Books, Life, and Christ

Be sure to check out the Facebook party every day this week for exciting updates!  

This is the biggest tour I’ve done in quite a while, so I’m super excited! I can’t wait to read all those amazing posts!

The Giveaway

Enter the giveaway to win a paperback copy of Beyond Her Calling!

Enter Now!

Be sure to share the giveaway through your social media!

I think I’ve covered the basics, but here are some more things you need to know. (Bullet lists because they’re the best.)

  • Throughout this tour there will be a scattering of vlogs, live videos, and whatnot, but …
    • I’m not doing a super good job planning them.
    • So watch this blog, my Facebook page, and my Twitter! And maybe Instagram.
    • I really don’t know.
  • I’m also putting together a media blast team for Reveries Co.
    • Find out more about/sign up for that here.
  • The Facebook event page is the place to go!
    • Lots of characters will be there, so just post your question, and they’ll answer!
    • You can do that on the blog posts on certain days, but it’s not quite the same. 😅

And I think that’s about it! Tomorrow we’ll really get into the juicy stuff with a post about themes!


~Kellyn Roth~

Goodreads · Facebook · Twitter


Are you excited for the tour? Don’t today’s posts look interesting? Did you enter the giveaway? What day or post are you most excited for?

What do you think of my thoughts?

23 Responses

  1. AND LIKE ALWAYS you exceed my expectations with such and amazing book that was awesome to read <333 also I must tell you that the cover is gorgeous and sets the PERFECT mood for the story ;D

  2. Yay! It’s finally here! (And I’m finally commenting! :P) I loved all the character interviews. And I had to go to each character’s Facebook page, because their comments never fail to crack me up. (Jordy saying Ivy is a serial killer … LOL!)


      1. Hmm …. how do we know Ivy’s not a serial killer? XD Yeah, no. She’s just the opposite of what any serial killer anywhere is like. (Not that I know what serial killers are like, but …) All I know is that Jordy picked the wrong person if he wanted his tease to sound believable. (Except apparently it was believable. Poor Ivy! :D)

        1. (I’m now slightly suspicious that you know what serial killers look like, haha, but y’know.) Truuuuee … he should’ve gone with Alice. 😛 Or Gibson! 😉

What do you think of my thoughts?

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