A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Seek by Angela R. Watts {Blog Tour}

by Kellyn Roth |
December 5, 2018

Hello ladies and gents! Time for a review of a lovely book (which I was both the cover designer and formatter for!) by my co-manager of Reveries Co. and darling sister in Christ, Angela R. Watts!

This book is close to my heart partially due to my involvement in the final stages and partially because of the author, but it’s also a dynamite story of faith, adventure, good, and evil!

So settle in for a review of Seek by Angela R. Watts! Hope you enjoy it. (Stay tuned for the giveaway, too!)

FTC Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to provide a positive review. All thoughts are my own.

Title: Seek

Author: Angela R. Watts

Series: Whispers of Heaven, Book 1

Genre: Contemporary Adventure (with romance)

Setting: England, countryside

Publisher: Reveries Co.

Source: received from publisher

Overall Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Seek by Angela R. Watts


Angel Cutler’s routine life is overturned when local ganglord Viktor Marino tries to kidnap her. When she finds out her adopted sister is back in town and working with Viktor, Angel has to run away with the protection of two total strangers. Can Angel have faith in God to protect her family when she can’t?

Elijah Davis has seen Viktor bleed once, and to save his family, he’ll make it happen again. But who is the One Eli can turn to when he realizes he can’t protect his loved ones alone?

Hiding from gangsters and gunfire, the trio struggle to seek God above all else and trust that His plan is greater than their own. Or Viktor Marino’s.


Seek by Angela R. Watts is an adventure story, but it has a lot of elements of a psychological thriller.

The characters were amazing! They were all quite well-developed and defined. It was easy to tell them apart, and they felt like real people.

I’m not sure if I liked Asher or Eli better. They both have their pros and cons.

Asher is funny and amusing and sweet. He’s sort of the comedy relief of the group, but he’s also the BEST BROTHER to Eli, and their relationship is fantastic.

(Asher/Angel’s relationship is great, ’cause he’s got to be her brother now, but yeah, that doesn’t get to show up as much ’cause they just met.)

And, of course, Eli is the “romantic interest,” while Asher is a friend, which gives him a bit of an edge later on. 😉

But Eli reminds me of myself in many ways, which is always a plus. He’s a lot like me, I think. (I relate more to boys than to girls 99% of the time … help?)

All of his back story just KILLSSSS me, though! Poor precious baby. ❤ Also, more sibling relationships just: 😍😍😍

Angel wasn’t immediately a stand out character to me, mostly, I think, because Asher was so loudly standout that I got distracted. 😜

However, that doesn’t mean she wasn’t awesome! She was pretty awesome, though in a different sort of way than hilarious Asher or hardcore Eli.

She’s a country girl, first off. And that’s great.

But she’s also super tough without being your typical, “OH WOW I’M TOUGH I DON’T TAKE NOTHING FROM NO ONE” female. I get sick of that stereotype, but she was strong without being abrasive.

Angel’s family was also pretty awesome! Gotta love how supportive and understanding and whatnot they are.

Viktor … oh, Viktor Marino. He’s one of those villains you love to hate!

And I must say, I think Miss Watts did an excellent job portraying his narcissistic personality disorder. Shudderingly realistic.

Actually, that phrase is a good one to describe the book as a whole: shudderingly realistic.

Reality isn’t always easy. It isn’t always what we want or plan on. However, this book does a good job showing reality while still shining light on God’s glory.

This book was very, well, poignant. Realistically poignant. It’s hardcore and sad and happy and good and yet you see the evil … but as the light is shone on it.

This book has some heavier and darker themes and shows a lot of darkness. But it’s all in a clean and godly light, which is great.

The Biblical aspects were super well done, and I was so glad to see God represented clearly and without fear in a novel!

Towards the end especially, and during all the action scenes, I was reading this book super quickly! I couldn’t help it … it’s very exciting!

With a book that’s over 300 pages, you’d think there’d be some slow places … but there wasn’t. It was incredibly fast-paced.

Another interesting aspect was seeing another side of Christianity in people who still keep Jewish holidays such as Hannukah.

I honestly am not even 100% sure what all Hannukah is about, except that it’s around Christmas and involved lighting candles, but it’s kinda cool to see different religions – like Judaism – talked about.

(I mean, Judaism isn’t really a separate religion, I guess – just the pre-Jesus Christianity. But whatever.)

Overall, this was an exciting novel that kept me reading from the beautiful beginning to the beautiful end with all the adventure, excitement, and grittiness you could ever ask for in the middle!


Language: n/a

Violence: lots of shooting, guns, and wounds, but nothing super gory. It was certainly not for shock value.

Sexual: none, except some really cute and pure romance 😍


2/5. 13+ for violence and darker elements (scary people).

Review by Kellyn Roth of Reveries Reviews.

Le Giveaway

1st Place: A signed paperback of Seek and a mug with a Scripture verse on it!

2nd Place: An ebook copy of Seek!


Thanks for reading!

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~Kellyn Roth~


Have you ever read this book? Are you going to soon? (You should!) Do you love the cover? (The inside is going to be pretty, too, by the way!) (I want my own copy.) Are you excited for the first book that gets an official “published by Reveries Co.” stamp?

What do you think of my thoughts?

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