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A Most Noble Heir by Susan Anne Mason {Review}

by Kellyn Roth |
December 10, 2018

Hello ladies and gents! It’s been ages since I posted a review, but now I’ve decided it’s time for me to catch up.

For the next two weeks, I’ll be posting a review (or mini review post) fairly often. I’m also working on updating my Goodreads shelves, getting reviews updated, etc. It won’t be every posting day, but if you see a lot of reviews, that’s why!

Today’s review is of A Most Noble Heir by Susan Anne Mason! Hope you enjoy it.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to provide a positive review. All thoughts are my own.

Title: A Most Noble Heir

Author: Susan Anne Mason

Series: n/a

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Era: late Victorian

Setting: England, countryside

Publisher: Bethany House Publishers

Source: received from Bethany House Publishers

Overall Rating: 3.5/5 stars

A Most Noble Heir by Susan Anne Mason


Will gaining the world cost him everything he holds most dear?

When stable hand Nolan Price learns from his dying mother that he is actually the son of the Earl of Stainsby, his plans for a future with kitchen maid Hannah Burnham are shattered. Once he is officially acknowledged as the earl’s heir, Nolan will be forbidden to marry beneath his station.

Unwilling to give up the girl he loves, he devises a plan to elope–believing that once their marriage is sanctioned by God, Lord Stainsby will be forced to accept their union. However, as Nolan struggles to learn the ways of the aristocracy, he finds himself caught between his dreams for tomorrow and his father’s demanding expectations.

Forces work to keep the couple apart at every turn, and a solution to remain together seems further and further away. With Nolan’s new life pulling him irrevocably away from Hannah, it seems only a miracle will bring them back together.

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First thoughts on seeing the cover: HORSES! But what is that creepy little man doing on the cover? 😅 I just don’t find the model attractive, I guess. His face is so tiny, and he looks a bit like someone in a boy band!

So yes, this is another book I had to have because HORSES. But there weren’t enough horses. (There never are.) (You can’t have enough horses.)

Now to get on to the actual review.

I liked this book a lot, but it did have some problems. My main one was with the characters.

Nolan was … well, he was an idiot. I spent the entirety of the book wishing he’d just go ahead and die. He was selfish, foolish, prideful, and annoying.

And I don’t feel that he ever truly got natural consequences for all that stupidity!

Hannah wasn’t an easy character to like, either, sometimes, but she was slightly better than Nolan.


YOU. CAN’T. WORK. OUT. A. RELATIONSHIP. IF. YOU’RE. NOT. TOGETHER. I don’t care if you’re a fictional character who believes that is a thing or not. But you need to stop bringing up this, “We need space so we can learn to be better together” thing. It’s not healthy! We need more couples who stick it out and stick together through the tough things. And stop running off when the going gets tough. Sorry for the rant, but it’s needed, I think

Lord Stainsby was another unlikable person. He does get redeemed in the end, but … that didn’t help his annoyingness throughout the book.


Even Nolan’s adopted mother wasn’t much fun! Keeping that kind of secret from Nolan was, well, terrible! And yet she’s still treated like a saint …

At the same time, I did like the story! It wasn’t super predictable and was a twist I haven’t seen. It wasn’t just your average historical romance (which is what I expected) – there was more to it!

And, of course, there were some horses!

Overall, this was an intriguing historical novel. I’ve enjoyed a few other books by the author, but this was probably my favorite of hers (with the exception of Love’s Faithful Promise which was excellent!).


Language: n/a

Violence: mild

Sexual: There was a lot of talk about honeymoons, sleeping together, married couples being intimate, etc. Overall, it was quite innocent/non-graphic, and there was nothing particularly wrong about it; however, for some, it might be a bit much. Very romance-y.

Other: n/a

3/5. Not recommended for readers under 15.

Review by Kellyn Roth of Reveries Reviews.

Thanks for reading!


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~Kellyn Roth~


Have you ever read this book and what did you think? Do you enjoy this genre? What are some fun genre-variations or twists you’ve seen?

What do you think of my thoughts?

4 Responses

  1. I agree. Nolan was annoying. Plus, I have a general objection to books/stories which involve the existence of a child being concealed from the father unless there is a good reason for it.

    I don’t think Nolan’s Aunt had ANY real reason for it, and her actions came over as wrong and selfish. Not to mention they were one of the main reasons why Lord Stainsby was so screwed up.

    1. Yep, I agree! It makes no sense why she would do such a thing, and it was just … messed up. I mean, what possible disadvantage could Nolan have as the heir to this super rich guy?? It was a frustrating element for sure!

  2. That comment about how you can’t work out a relationship if you’re not together reminded me first of my characters Connor & Kelly, then Henry & Lizzie.

    Lizzie is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in her sixties and Henry reassures her that he’ll still love her, upon which she asks, “Even when you’ll feel lonely because I won’t remember you?” And he says, “Even then. I did vow for better or for worse, didn’t I?”

    And then my characters Connor & Kelly…it reminded me of a scene I started writing where she breaks down over everything that’s happened to them in the past year almost–namely, Connor being nearly murdered by a psychopath is at the top of the list–and all he does is hold her. That’s basically where it stops, but I’ll be sure to flesh that scene out more when I get back to it!

What do you think of my thoughts?

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