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The 1K Contest, Kind, and Reveries Co. {3 Important Updates}

by Kellyn Roth |
December 17, 2018

Today I’m going to talk about Kind and other updates. (Kind isn’t the main thing, but given that I’m PUBLISHING A BOOK, I figured it deserved first billing.)

But yes, there are other things I have to talk about – and, as the title indicates, those two thinks are a 1K Contest (which you’re totally gonna want to check out if you’re a blogger) and the Reveries Co. launch!

So, without further ado … Kind and other updates!

Let’s start with the 1K contest!

Now, a couple days ago … I hit 1,000 blog followers on Reveries!

And that’s a huge landmark, so I decided to do something to celebrate.

What is the contest?

The contest is simple. Write and publish a 1,000-word story on your blog.

The story can be anywhere from 1,000 to 1,999 words, but it cannot be longer or shorter!

The deadline is December 30th!

What should the story be about?

It doesn’t matter, but please – no cussing, no sex scenes, and no gratuitous violence. In general, you can and should write what you want, but for this one contest, avoid it.

How do you win?

I’ll read through and judge the stories myself.

I’ll be looking for things like spelling and grammar as well as overall quality, interesting-ness, meaning, and cohesiveness.

Keep in mind … I’m not super smart. 😅 I dislike stories that are overly wordy, hard to understand, or allegorical.

The prizes?

The winner will receive …

  1. A $20 Amazon gift card.
  2. And a free ebook cover design by moi!

There is also a second place prize:

  1. A free ebook cover design by moi!

How to enter?

Send a link to your story to!

Put “Reveries 1K Challenge” in your subject line!

And Reveries Co.’s Big Launch

Reveries Co. is having a blog tour launch!

Join the tour!


Coming this Saturday …


Lt. Neil Hudson is sure to have a rotten Christmas.

How can he have anything but a rotten Christmas when he’s stuck in war-torn Germany away from his family, friends, and all hope of a decent turkey dinner?

That’s when the Slades come into his life.

NOTE: at this time, review copies are only available to my street team. Thanks!

By the way, here are some bookmarks I made:


Slightly edited versions of these will be available to purchase through my website! (In a bundle and for a minimal price, of course.)


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~Kellyn Roth~


Shall you enter the 1K Contest? Are you excited for Kind? How about Reveries Co.?

What do you think of my thoughts?

58 Responses

  1. Oooh, I love the contest idea!!! And will do my best to enter! Congratoulations on another story published and 1k! (I already signed up for the launch, I believe!)


    I’m entering the contest! This is so exciting!!! I signed up for the blog tour! And, yay!! KIND is coming out!!

  3. I’ve got a Christmas short story coming to my blog next Monday, I believe. What’s the deadline on the contest?

    Congrats on the huge number of followers, Kellyn! That’s really exciting news. Your new book looks great too. Best wishes!

    1. The deadline is December 30th! Though I may have to extend it; we’ll see. I just realized that setting it right through the Christmas season and only giving people two weeks may not have been a great idea. 😛

      Thank you!

  4. Congrats on Kind and on the 1k subscribers!! The story contest sounds super fun; I’d love to do it…I’ll just have to think of a story. 🙂

    1. That IS the problem! 😛 I can’t see how anyone does anything and college at the same time, though, so I won’t be super disappointed if you aren’t able to! ‘Cause whoosh, you’ve got to be busy!

  5. If I’ve already written/shared a short story that fits the criteria, can I submit it, or does it have to be a new piece? (I’ve made a few small edits since I last shared it, if that makes a difference.)

      1. Huh. I did share my Civil War short story on a writing group I’m a part of, buuuut it was originally a flash fic and I’m revising it to extend the word count.

        And the writing group was originally public, but now it’s private. So…maybe I should grab a different story that I haven’t shared online yet?

  6. I love the contest idea and would love to enter but idk if I’ve got time? If only your requirements had been *under 5 k* instead bc I have a Christmas short story of 3.5 k that I’ll be posting around Christmas. Humph. Since I’m on hiatus and super busy I don’t think I have time for the Reveries Co. blog tour unfortunately but ALL THE BEST TO YOU GUYS on that one ;D

  7. Hi, Kell! I don’t know if you remember me or not, but this is Elfella from NaNoWriMo. Congratulations on reaching 1,000 followers! That must be super exciting! 😀 Also, your new book sounds great!

        1. Oh, great! 😀 What’cha learnin’? 😉 I graduated from high school, though no college just because I’ve nothing to go there for. (I have a part-time job in real life and then a bunch of online businesses, etc.)

  8. I saw Michaela Bush’s post about this and the title of hers caused my mind to immediately jump to my character Connor in one of his abusive foster homes…I think I’ll write about him escaping.

  9. Just the push I needed to get my short story finished! 😀 AND I kept it under 2,000 words–yay!!! Coming your way soon! 😉

      1. I meant Am I supposed to send you the link to my story before I post it to my blog or is it the other way around?

        Honestly I don’t even know what I was saying or what I’m saying now ’cause I’m still waking up…

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