A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

A Fish + My Crazy Life + More Delays

by Kellyn Roth |
January 23, 2019

We all have ’em … crazy months. This month has been cRaZy for me, but I’m still here – and you’re still here – and this blog is still here.

Nice when there’s something to hang on to, like visual reality. 😅😬😝 Great, now I sound like my mother. That’s fine, though.

This post is going to be a random one that goes NOWHERE but talks a lot about my CRAZY life and there’s a VLOG with a FISH and an ADVENTURE and WHY am I DOING this? Let’s just get on with the post.

A Fish

I knew y’all would want to see this first. Here’s the vlog:


By the way, if you can, head over to my YouTube channel and subscribe! I would appreciate it. ❤

So, in case you don’t want to watch a whole video just because you love me so much (😢😰😅), here are some pictures of my fish:

His name is KG – which stands, by the way, for Kirk’s Ghost! (You’ll understand it when you read The Dressmaker’s Secret.) (Well, the reference; not why I named my fish that.) (That will never make sense.)

(It’s also kinda a reference to some sad stuff Kirk goes through but shhh…)

My Crazy Life

This is obviously the highlight … how insane my life has gotten!

I feel like I’m constantly running from one thing to another. It’s not a bad thing, but it does cut back on a lot of stuff. I have to be efficient with my time. *annoyed look* *is not so good at that*

Wilted Love

Cheesy title, good book. 😅

Okay, seriously, though, I’m publishing a story in parts on Wattpad! It’s called Wilted Love, and it’s a historical comedy romance.

It’s very cute, it has a lot about the language of flowers, my protagonist is a goofy nerdy botanist, his love interest is sweet, spunky, and sees him for who he is (you know, after some minor friend-zoning), and each chapter is quite short (all under 1k; longest so far has been 800!), so it’s a quick read!

Chapter 2 just went up last night! I try to update it every couple days.


Image result for flowers gif

What Else I’m Working On

Alone in Berlin

I kept telling myself I’d eventually get a passion for one of my story ideas … and I did!

Even amidst my crazy life, God blessed me with a load of ideas for Alone in Berlin, so here I am! 

I don’t want to give a lot of details, but this book will be my darkest yet! That’s saying a lot coming off Souls Astray, but it’s true.

So yeah, it’ll be 16+ because of a lot of elements. It’s all to the glory of God, but the subject matter is tough. I’m exploring a lot of mature themes, though all for the purpose of showing the light and God’s grace, strength, and glory!

Some character collages:

Caught in a Spell

Eh. It’s coming along. One tiny piece of the outline at a time. 

Related image

Interpreting Callie James

Haven’t talked about this one right now, but this is the other project I’m working on. (Besides, you know, Souls Astray edits and The Lady of the Vineyard edits and prepping to write Flowers in Her Heart … yeah.)

Again, it’s coming along … I’m writing teensy snippets at a time. But it’s happening!

And now …

More Delays???

Between the internet being off for days on end, some tougher jobs I’ve taken, not having the wifi to chat with students as I need to during lessons, family issues, not really feeling like I’m going anywhere, and more (tmi to list here!)

Delays, delays, delays.

But that’s okay! I guess sometimes things get done slower or not when I want them to get done. And that’s fine! I mean, I’m the queen of procrastination. I can handle a couple not-Kell-caused delays, too. 😅

And yep, that’s about it!

This Saturday, I’m planning to post LOADS of puppy pictures along with a fun post about the joys (and uggghhhsss) of having puppies!

That’ll make up for me forgetting to do this 200% of the time, right? 😬😏😆


~Kellyn Roth~

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What are you currently writing? How ’bout reading? What’s your favorite place to eat out? What do you do when your life gets busy/how do you cope? What pets do you have?

What do you think of my thoughts?

13 Responses

  1. Wowee! Sounds like you’ve got quite a bit on your plate! It must be super fun having puppies around the place. I always wanted to raise dogs, instead, I raise rabbits so… XD I’ve got three baby bunnies out back, they’re at their cutest right now – just tiny fluff balls of energy and fun, lol (you can see them on Instagram: @bundlesofjoyrabbitry).

    I’m currently writing…uh….well…a lot of different stories XD
    I’ve decided to take a prompt and write one short story every day, so there’s that. Then I’m also working on outlining a Fantasy story about a world whose life is connected to humankind, a mystery/fantasy/scifi novel series about…certain things *cue mysterious music*, and a nonfiction book concerning purpose, calling, life, and all that (and all the other kazillion things I flick around to, argh).

    That fish though, brings back the memories… My brothers and I used to have fish when we were younger, throughout the years I had quite a few of that type. Funess XD

    1. Awww, baby bunnies! How sweet! 🙂 What kind do you have? *feels like we’ve possibly talked about this, but I don’t know* *is going to ask again anyway*

      Ooh, that’s an interesting idea! I don’t think I’d have the discipline to write a different story every day. They would probably stretch over different days. 😉

      Awww, cool! I’ve had quite a few myself. 6 or 7, anyway.

  2. Your fishy is adorableeeee!! 😀 😀
    me wuvs it so.
    Also those books (aka THOSE GRAPHICS WOW) look so awesome and I wanna read all of them now. Including the one I signed up to beta read. XD
    But eep! It looks so awesome!
    Me? I’m… getting somewhere in writing. Ish. 😛

  3. Oh your fish is so cute! 🙂
    I’m still getting ready to write that retelling I want to for Camp Nano, and I’m rereading Peter Pan for the first time since I was little and a bunch of other fiction. 🙂
    Ooooh, good question. There’s lots of good local places that I like, but I really love Olive Garden! Too bad the closest one to me is like an hour away. D:

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