I’m currently going through a lot of research for my novel-in-progress, Alone in Berlin, and it’s not easy. I’ve written a lot of historical fiction, but this one requires more research than any other I’ve written.
Also, I’ve just been working on The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy and the Kees & Colliers series for so long that those settings (Victorian UK and 1916 through homefront 1940s England and France) are ingrained into my brains. I do a bit of research for each new story … but hardly any.
But I want to write WWII fiction. I want it to be realistic. I don’t want to make a bunch of stupid mistakes that would misrepresent the era. And it’s giving me a tremendous headache.
I … am not a details person. I never have been. I like looking at the big picture and glazing over the little things and running through life full-speed without hesitation.
However, as a historical author, this can lead to some stupid errors. For instance, in the first published version of The Lady of the Vineyard (thankfully unpublished now), I referred to English taxis as “colorful.”
*major facepalm*
Yeah, even I knew that, but I still forgot to stop and think about it. I had to have a friend point it out to me!
And sometimes this is fine. We need people who are action-based and focus on the big picture and don’t hesitate (like so many of you blasted peeps do) (I love you, BUT JUST CHOOSE YOUR ICECREAM FLAVOR, YOU FLIPPIN’ PHILOSOPHER).
But a good writer—and specifically a good historical writer—needs to do the research to make their novels shine.
Do you have a point?
I actually don’t. *glares at you for considering leaving this post before I’m done ranting about things that can’t possibly interest you at all*
Okay, I do have a point! I want to talk about what I’m learning about novel writing research.
So let’s get into that.
What I’m Learning About Researching for Historical Novels
You’re going to learn a lot more than you need to know.
- Unless there is a book out there that specifically deals with the topic of your novel, you’re probably going to wade through a tome about the 3rd Reich which only has a few pages dedicated to the Nazi Youth.
- Yes, I can skim for the info I need, but that takes time. And I do end up picking up a lot I won’t use!
- Is that a bad thing? No, it isn’t! You might need it more, and knowledge is power. Knowing more details about a historical error isn’t going to kill you—and it won’t kill me, either.
Random plot bunnies tend to spring up.
- Me right now: “OMW—there is so much drama potential here which will not fit into this story. Hmm …”
- That is why my plot bunny list gets bigger and bigger every day. Research. Stupid research.
Nonfiction. You have to actually read nonfiction.
- I am probably the only person I know who hates all nonfiction so much that I would rather drive my car off a cliff than read it. Basically, I find it impossibly boring.
- Christian nonfiction irritates me because I feel like people are telling me how to interpret God, and I CAN DO THAT MYSELF. Biographies … I just don’t like. They’d have to be written like a novel for me to get through. Anything vaguely school booky reminds me of the worst years of my life—when I was suffering through education. *winces* And on and on. I dislike most nonfiction that’s longer than a blog post.
- (Sidenote: I could read all day about horses, dogs, cows, or other farm animals.) (That sort of thing is interesting.) (Books about writing aren’t bad, either.)
- BUT I HAVE TO READ IT NOW, in large amounts, AND HONESTLY UGHH. I hate it. Ah, well.
Taking notes is VERY important!
- I … do not remember 99% of what I read? So I either highlight the text that I need to remember or take notes. Also, I try to write down whatever is gonna be important in the outline itself so I don’t lose track of it.
- Because I don’t want to reread these books for sure.
You can definitely hone your skimming skills.
- I learned this in the days of my schooling.
Okay, but really, the ability to skim through a novel—or in this case, a book about Nazis—is invaluable!
- So yep, my skimming skills are getting a run for their money, but so far it’s been working pretty well.
- I learned this in the days of my schooling.
Obsessing over details is actually a good thing.
- I’ve never been super detail-oriented, but I have to learn to be, as I’ve said before.
So yep, that’s kind of what I’m going through right now.
Most of my research books haven’t arrived yet, but I’ve got a bit of a pile started! Mostly fiction “for research.” Okay, not for research … but you know. For reasons. Because I want to read them.
~Kellyn Roth~
If you’re a writer, do you research for your novels? Why or why not? What kind of stuff do you usually have to research? If your search history littered with weird things? If you write any historical, what sort of things do you generally have to look up?
35 Responses
Eurghhh I usually dislike nonfic as well -_- I have found very few nonfic that I like. Thanks for the tips
Good luck with all that research-can’t wait for the book!
SAME! Ughhh … nonfiction. *sigh* Absolutely! It’s going to be a very … intense book. What with the crazy (… yeah, I should start saying mentally ill or something …) Nazi Youth Member and the spy and the other girl … it’s gonna be a wild ride!
I’ve never been able to stand nonfiction except on WWII and other things I am passionate about! I can see how hard that is!
Yep, I’m the same! I do love some good old farm books (I know I’m a weirdo haha), but otherwise, I won’t generally read it.
That’s okay through! And everyone is somehow weird.
Very true!
See. This is why I don’t do all that real life stuff – too scared I’ll get something incorrect XD (and y’know…If I tried to do any serious research I’d get lost somewhere on the way – distractions are everywhere – lol).
And yeah… I find a lot of nonfiction boring too…. But I’ve read a ton of biographies – some are actually interesting (like God’s Smuggler), others are….meh. Non-biography nonfiction that I’ve found actually good was “He’s Making Diamonds” by S.G. Willoughby.
Haha! I don’t struggle so much with reality, but … writing books? Ugh. Why is research so hard.
Yes, I liked He’s Making Diamonds! Though to be fair I haven’t read it yet really – I read parts of it while formatting, lol.
God’s Smuggler was good!
One of the reasons I love fantasy is because I don’t have to research it
Except then I have trouble keeping track of all the world facts I’ve made. Oops.
Also, good luck with all your researching!! It looks pretty tough.
Haha! Right!? That is a special sort of awesome right there. But yess, I’m the same way! And I can’t really get my “worlds” across to the page, so my fantasy ends in disaster.
It isn’t fun for sure, but I SHALL TRIUMPH!
Yeah I just have to keep scrolling back up and be like SO WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THAT ONE CHARACTER?? (I never remember her…
HAHA! YESSS … same!
I’m one of those blasted peeps that can’t decide on an ice cream flavor…And I love non-fiction, but I loved your perspective on this. It made me laugh.
LOL! Well, you’re still awesome.
I’m just one of those people who gets bored wayyyy too easily. 
Totally understand, but when ice cream is in question…
The accursed nonfiction! *groans* I actually have to read some for this dystopian novel I’m writing and it’s no fun. *grumbles* Also that research pile. *dead*
Haha, yeppp … it’s not fun.
And I have more than that coming! *sigh*
I have a love/hate relationship with nonfiction books. I have read some really good ones, but also some that I despise.
That is quite the pile of research books. I need to get on top of researching for my WW2 book that I am currently writing too. Lol, research is just so much “fun”. 

I generally dislike it, though there have been a few exceptions, haha! And yep, I have quite a ways to go … lots of books are still coming!
Yikes, how many books are you getting to total for research?
Umm … let me see. 23 if you count fiction!
Wow, that is impressive!! I cannot wait to read your book, Kellyn!
UGH Research is a pain sometimes. Unless I’m researching something that I love, like… okay actually, never mind. Even researching about gemstones or fairytales will make me want to cry. xD
Still, WWII is a fascinating era and I CAN’T WAIT to see what you come up with!
Haha! Yeah, right? It’s not loads of fun most of the time. (Though I did have an odd fascination with the Spanish flu one year.) (Don’t ask.)
Yes, it is great! Aw, thanks so much!
Ah, yes, research… I agree, nonfiction tends to be horribly boring. It all depends on how much of an imagination the author has.
Personally, watching movies is the best kind of research. For WWII, you could just watch “The Sound of Music”, “Indiana Jones”, and “Captain America”, and you’d be all set!
LOL! Right, sure, that’s gonna be PERFECTLY accurate, right?
I do love those movies, so I should be good … 
Totally accurate. There’s just so much they don’t put in the history books, you know?
In all seriousness, though, have you ever seen “The Book Thief”? It takes place in WWII and seemed to be pretty well researched.
No, I’ve not! I keep meaning to, though. It comes highly recommended, haha!
I was told about this site by a couple friends and thought I’d stop by.
I just want to say I feel extremely sorry for you that you don’t like nonfiction *cries* You don’t know what you’re missing out on!!!
But anyway… You mentioned the Hitler Youth so I just though I would recommend you read Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler’s Shadow. I really like it and learned a lot from it. It reads sort of like a story.
And hey, if you have the time you should listen to this podcast: https://soundcloud.com/lamplighterministries/building-character-one-story-at-a-time-pt2?in=lamplighterministries/sets/fastened-like-nails-podcast
but start at minute 8:53 I just thought of it from what you discussed in this post.
See ya!
Hi Mandalynn! Love your name! Thanks!
Awwww! <3
Ttly! So happy to find this little Jem!