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April 2019 Dares

by Kellyn Roth |
April 3, 2019

HELLLLLLOOOO! March hit me hard. Like, really hard. And I have a ton of catchup. But let’s take some time to write a quick recap even though I’m dead inside.

On a sidenote, CAMP NANO IS HERE! And I am so excited! I changed my project Monday to finishing up the Kees & Colliers series because I am so far behind, but that’s what’s gotta happen.

I cannot seem to get over this terrible cold/flu, and I’m swamped with work, but … ugh. My outlook is not positive but that doesn’t mean this post shouldn’t be. SO LET’S GET INTO IT.

March 2019 Recap

    1. Get eARCs out for Souls Astray. Failed
      • Ehhhhhh … it didn’t happen!
    2. Finish writing Flowers in Her Heart. Failed
      • I didn’t! But I’m sooo close! That’s my Camp NaNo goal!
    3. Read some more. Failed
      • I … didn’t have time. 😅
    4. Read three of your research books for Alone in Berlin. Failed
      • Dang it.
    5. Finish all your various projects in a timely manner. Kinda
      • I’m getting there!
    6. Get up early, do your chores, practice your instrument, read your Bible, and drink coffee. Failed
      1. Noooo …
    7. Not making a lot of goals because I feel overwhelmed. Check!
      • Hey, one success!

I did a lot of editing on From Now ‘Til Forever and The Lady of the Vineyard and clinked away at Alone in Berlin and Flowers in Her Heart. I’m going pretty slowly with Souls Astray.

How I’m Doing in 2019 So Far

Remember my New Year’s Resolutions? Let’s see how those are coming along!

  • Write 4 full-length novels.

    • Working on it!
  • Finish A Prayer UnansweredFlowers in Her Heart, and Before a Fall.

    • Working on it! I have finished BAF.
  • Write 1,000 words per day for 365 days.

    • I’m actually getting this in most of the time.
  • Submit Once a Stratton to at least 20 agents.

    • Disillusioned with OAS.
  • Polish a non-Alice-and-Ivy novel and get a pro editor.

    • Working on it!
  • Prepare a 2nd pitch and send to first 5 agents.

    • ^^
  • Read 150+ books.

    • Ughhh, I’m sooo behind schedule!
  • Put some serious thought into your future as far as work goes.

    • *thinks for two seconds* Done.
    • Really, though, I’ve been trying! I recently decided I wanted to be more serious about writing and whatnot for a living.
  • Get your freebies ready for your email list.

  • Read through the New Testament.

    • … in time, sure …
  • Be a faithful saxophone and clarinetist.

    • Hmmm …
  • Publish the entire “Kees & Colliers” series.

    • Working on it!
  • Take Aubrey and/or Riley on an adventure.

    • Some day …
  • Go on an adventure with my friends.

    • *shrugs*
  • Attempt to get involved in some sort of book signing event.

    • I really don’t want to now, lol.

And without further ado …

April 2019 Dares

    • Read five books.
    • Finish your Camp NaNoWriMo goals.
    • Get Souls Astray all ready to publish.
    • Try to be a little more consistent as a blogger.
    • Practice your instruments more consistently.
    • Don’t die.

Stuff Happening in April

  • Yesterday, we saw the Unplanned movie!
    • IT WAS AMAZING! I’m working on a full review, but basically … see it. GO SEE IT. I don’t care who you are or what you believe, but you need to watch it.
  • James’s birthday was Sunday.
    • He’s 15. Wow. And he can drive. Eesh.
  • Thad’s birthday is this month.
    • He’s going to be 12, which is just annoying.
  • Easter.
    • Easter is cool …

Okay, so, this was a short little update, but I haven’t felt much like doing updates! Hope y’all don’t mind a short post.


~Kellyn Roth~

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What did you do in March? What movies have you seen recently? Do you plan to see Unplanned? What season is your birthday in? (Mine’s in the summer!) Do you ever get colds/flus that last for weeekkkkss and never stop?

What do you think of my thoughts?

12 Responses

  1. Dare to not die.
    That would make a rather good title, dontcha think? 😀 And I have no clue how on earth you’re so productive. Carry on fellow writer!

  2. Howwww?? Girl…how is your “failed” dares so much more productive than my accomplishments XD Like you’re a super hero over there!
    My sister’s wedding was in March and I basically did school and work all month. I do plan on watching Unplanned, but probably not in theaters just because I have a hard enough time stomaching the idea of abortion, and I don’t think I could survive the movie without a breakdown. My birthday is May, so I say summer, though I believe technically it’s spring…But in’s summer. Lol

    Hope you feel better Kellyn! Best of luck on your writing and reading dares! I’m sure you’ll get them!

    1. LOL! I guess? 😛 I don’t see it that way, but whatever you see. 😉

      Nice! I honestly don’t think it was that gruesome or anything, but yeah. Cool!

  3. Interesting updates!! I’m not being mean or anything, but it was actually nice to see you fail. XD!! It’s only because you’re always ontop of it, and I look at myself and realize I could be much better. Haha!! And now I feel bad….

    Hope you make your other goals! 😀

  4. In March, I did not die. *goal reached* *is ecstatic* I think every movie I’ve watched recently has been produced by Disney, from superheroes to princesses. It’s been great. XD
    I’m sorry you’re not feeling well! Perhaps stress is contributing to it? (Just a random thought; I like to blame everything on stress.)

What do you think of my thoughts?

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