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New Blog Schedule & Other Changes to Reveries

by Kellyn Roth |
September 16, 2019

You may be clicking on this post with some trepidation. I mean, I would be, too. What reason have you to trust me? I’ve let you down so many times.

It’s been a couple months since I’ve been able to consistently stick to a schedule on Reveries, and even before then, it was rough. And now I’m gonna tell you that this time is going to be different?

I wouldn’t believe me either, but I’ll earn your trust in time. At least, I hope I will. *glares at my past offenses menacingly* Let me explain …

What’s up?

It’s not easy being consistent about a blog and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and multiple email lists and the same platforms for a secondary business and two day jobs and another writing-related job and a social life and also maintain a basic degree of mental and physical health.

Added to that was some interior formatting jobs, helping other authors, launching books, taking care of puppies … a dozen other things.

But I wanted to do it all. I still do! I’ve cut off over half of my social media, narrowed down my email list focus, passed off the secondary business job, quit one of my day jobs (exchanging it for a lower-stress part-time job), and promised myself not to try any crazy book launches any time soon.

Basically, I’m trying to cut back. And that means cutting back on Reveries.

Is that a bad thing?

No, it’s really not! Cutting back is good for us all if we’re doing too much—and frankly, a lot of authors and other internet entrepreneurs are.

Also, cutting back means that the things you are doing get done really well. The blog posts I do publish will be of a higher quality—and therefore of more use to you.

See? It all works out!

So what will the new blog schedule be?

I’ll post every Saturday without fail. However, Monday and Wednesday will become optional. Probably I’ll post on one or the other day every month. When I do, it’ll be unusual posts—blog tours, reviews, giveaways, etc. Maybe some fun, random stuff thrown in, too.

We’ll see.

But mainly, I want to move this blog to focus on writing-related posts from advice and tips to writing lifestyle-ish stuff. I also want to talk about how God has influenced my writing.

And yes, some of my “unusual” posts may be occasional Christian stuff. I’m not going to be able to resist the pull of giving all my dumb opinions.

But yes, Saturday will be our regular post day!


~Kellyn Roth~


What do you think of my new blog schedule? What’s your blogging schedule like if you blog? And what are you most wanting to see posted on Reveries?


What do you think of my thoughts?

9 Responses

  1. I got rid of Lost In My Thoughts and created a new blog Tree of Life which is dedicated to sharing my thoughts and opinions on certain things from a Christian point of view. I will also talk about writing.

    When I can, I’ve decided to post weekly.

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