A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

The Dressmaker’s Secret – Introducing the Blog Tour, Giveaway, & Other Festivities

by Kellyn Roth |
January 11, 2020

HEY THERE! Long time no see, right?! (I was … busy this Wednesday. Not even kidding – my week has been messyyyy, but I’m here! Will explain later about Wednesday!) How’s everyone? I’m too excited to be legible so here we go!!!

THE DRESSMAKER’S SECRET IS AVAILABLE ON AMAZON! You can buy it there or review it there or just drool over the gorgeous cover by Carpe Librum Book Design!

This story which I have poured so much into, my first heart project, the first in a GIGANTIC (and I ain’t kiddin’, kid) series, is OUT. It’s LIVE! People can read it and love it (or hate it … oops), and … yeah. Sorry. I’m just experiencing so many emotions right now. *fans myself dramatically*

So here I am, typing this post and listening to The Last of the Real Ones to calm down (longgg story), and I had better just let you get on to the info! I promised tours and giveaways and *tears up*

MY BABY IS OUT INTO THE WORLD! The book I love almost as much as my dog, Gidget. Who I loved almost as much as I will probably love my firstborn child. (Not my second-born – sweetie, if you read this someday, you know you’re my favorite.) (*cracks up laughing at my own stupid insensitive joke*)

(Sorry, I’m in a weird mood. If I ever have kids, I will love them equally. And a lot more than a dog or a book. Though dogs are better than books, just so you know. Being … alive and all. #clarificationneeded #becauseImnotasociopath #atleastnotmuchofasociopath)

Well. That couldn’t have gotten any stupider (*whispers* more stupid). Let’s just move on to the blog/Instagram tour, hosted by the lovely and talented Victoria Lynn!

Blog & Instagram Tour Schedule


Emily Yager // Blog Spotlight // https://emily-yager.com/blog/

Kellyn Roth // Tour and Book Intro // YOU ARE HERE!


Jane Mouttett // Blog Interview // janemouttet.wordpress.com 


Tara // Blog and Instagram Review // www.towerintheplains.wordpress.com // https://www.instagram.com/towerintheplains/


Jessica Greyson // Instagram Spotlight // www.instagram.com/author.jessica.greyson/ 


Michaela Bush // Blog Review // https://tangledupinwriting.com/


Danny Jacobsen // Blog Spotlight // squishableghost.tumblr.com


Amie Woleslagle// Blog Review // https://crazyadotblog.wordpress.com

Kellyn Roth // Character Intro // https://wp.me/pauHGK-8Ah 


Mary // Instagram Review // https://www.instagram.com/ive_seen_a_new_world/


Merie Shen // Instagram Spotlight // https://instagram.com/merie_elight_shen/


Kylie Hunt // Instagram Spotlight // http://www.instagram.com/thefilmdirectorswife


Abigail Harris // Instagram Spotlight // https://www.instagram.com/readreviewrejoice/


Jane Mouttett // Blog Review // janemouttet.wordpress.com


Hanna T. // Blog and Instagram Review // losingthebusyness.wordpress.com // https://www.instagram.com/hanneasinhannah/


Lori Parrish //  Blog and Instagram Review // http://redheadedblogspot.com // https://www.instagram.com/llparrish_46 

Maya JT // Blog Review //  https://mayajt.wordpress.com 

Kellyn Roth // Tour Wrap Up // https://wp.me/pauHGK-8Aj

About the Book

If they knew who she was, they’d never accept what she’s become.

Claire will stop at nothing to provide for her daughters. An unwed mother, she does everything possible to raise them whilst avoiding her scandalous past. Some secrets are best kept, even between mother and daughter.

Alice longs for a father, especially if that means her mother will be happy. She takes matters into her own hands—but she never expected what she finds.

Despite her efforts to shelter her daughters, Claire’s ghosts rise up to haunt her, and any semblance of control over her life vanishes. If her secrets are uncovered, what will become of her family?

Find it on Amazon // Add it on Goodreads


The Amazing Giveaway

One winner will receive a paperback copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret and a $10 Amazon Gift Card.


Best of luck!

The Bookstagram Tag

I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m running a bookstagram tag with THREE giveaways (one of which is still running today and another of which will be announced TOMORROW AFTERNOON). It’s on my Instagram account now!

Check it out! It’s pretty easy to enter – you just follow the tags! This week we had a writer-themed giveaway going with books by K.M. Weiland of Helping Writers Become Authors, and next week will be a reader-themed giveaway!

This week’s writer-themed giveaway:

(Love those books!)

TODAY & TOMORROW ONLY: Extra Bookstagram Entries! (even if you don’t have Instagram!)

Whether or not you have an Instagram account, you have a way to earn extra entries for the current giveaway on Instagram …

Share about the launch of The Dressmaker’s Secret — anywhere, everywhere. Your stories & feed on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Pinterest, etc. Link to Amazon or my website and tell people the book is out!

You can get an extra TWO entries for every social media platform/method you use! (If you post it on your feed and your stories, that’s four entries — if you post it on your Facebook page and your Facebook profile, that’s four entries.)

When you’re done, before 3 PM PST this Sunday, message me on Instagram if you have it OR if you don’t have it, email me (contact@kellynrothauthor.com). Just send a quick message like this:

“Hi Kell! I shared about your book on my feed, stories, and Facebook profile!”

And I’ll try to reply but more than likely I’ll just count it and move on. However, if you did something like that (^^) you would get EIGHT entire entries into last week’s giveaway!

Note that I will not be able to count your entries unless you send them to me BEFORE the deadline. After that, the prizes will be drawn, and there’s really nothing I can do without making it unfair for those who got done in time.

I’m counting on YOU, my writer friends! Make this happen! Giveaway entries are open until 3:00 PM PST on January 12th.

Facebook Party???

I’m still debating … Facebook party? Would y’all come if I did it some weekend during the tour? Would it be fun to have the characters show up and answer questions? Or should I do a live? What do you want?

Let me know in the comments!

We could also do an Instagram live at some point!

Again, up to you all – if you want it, it could happen during these next few weeks. I could answer questions live as well as any questions you want to ask ahead of time.

And a brief explanation of Wednesday:

So I said in my last post that I would share my 2020 goals and plans with you on Wednesday, and that didn’t happen. Why? Well, simply put, I ran out of time, AND I wasn’t sure what my goals/plans would be. Still ain’t.

My personal life? Yeah, sure, hang out with my guy as much as I can this summer and read the Bible and pray and be a faithful employee and yada yada. But in writing? Ehhhh … it’s fuzzy? (DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THE SURREALNESS OF THAT.) (I’m READING THE BIBLE WITH MY BOYFRIEND EVERY DAY, and I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE NEXT!? Am I even Kell? WHO IS POSSESSING MY BODY!?!?!?!)

Still, I will have that out NEXT MONDAY unless I die over the weekend; I mean it’s possible – so be looking for that.

Sorry, ladies and gents. Y’all know I want to give you consistent, good content, but that can’t always happen – well, the consistency. I’m always good. *flips hair* *mostly just gets a lot of hair in my mouth* *spits and combs my hair back into place*

Anyways. Coming this Monday, Kell’s Super Late New Year’s Goals and Plans and Suchlike.




ARE YOU AS EXCITED AS I AM??? Are you entering any giveaways? Participating in any fun events? Would you attend a Facebook party? What about an Instagram live? What kinds of things do you find exciting during launches? We definitely need some of the characters to talk soon, right?

Also, how have you been? No, really. 😉 Tell me!

Unless you’re that one teenager who bullied me in my friends in the playground until I made my teenage friends come and talk to you. You brat. Why you gotta be so mean?

Someday I’ll be a famous writer with over a thousand followers, and all you’re ever gonna be is mean.

I want to be excluded from this narrative.

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What do you think of my thoughts?

10 Responses

  1. This entire post is making me smile so hard

    The excitement you’re radiating is getting into me now… I’m soooooooooo happy that this huge crazy big project has been COMPLETED! Kinda sorta. Considering you’ve still got Ivy’s book to go and all… 🤔

    But anyway. I’m soooooooooo sorry I couldn’t join in on the TDS bookstagram fun– lIFE IS MEAN and sometimes you go on week-long trips to the equator and suffer minor anxiety before realizing everything’s quite swell whcih still leaves no room for bookstagram😑 But anywhatsit. I loved TDS New & Improved and I know I’m gonna love vol. 2 even more!

    *shakes head* When I read the Acknowledgments section of the book… I mean, it’s still kinda crazy how we ended up in the same online community after all that. 😝 It’s been an honor knowing you, Kelly! ❤️

    1. Awww, thanks, Merie! I am super thrilled, so I’m not terribly surprise a bit (er, “bit” being subjective) of excitement leaked out! It’s such a relief to finally have it done and out there! 😛 Even though marketing is gonna be hard, of course. And the rest of the series …

      OH no worries! That’s just life! 😀 Sorry about the craziness. I get that. 😛

      IT IS! So nutty! I guess it really is a small world occasionally … doesn’t really feel like it.

  2. Lol, this whole post was a gigantic burst of energy that I just needed. So excited for your release, Kell! Congrats!!!!!!!! 😀😀😀😀👍👍👍👍🎉🎉🎉🎉

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