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March 2020 Dares & February 2020 Wrapup

by Kellyn Roth |
March 16, 2020

It’s the day after the Ides of March, and I’m just now publishing my dares post and February wrapup, and that’s sad but … I have an announcement!

Ivy Introspective is done! It is written! It is edited! (Which I did in like a day … yeah!) And it is with the beta-readers!

Yes, it did take wayyy longer than I wanted it to be, but I’m glad it’s over, and I can move on to other things. That said, I am sorry this post didn’t come earlier! I just needed a little impromptu break.

Here we go, starting with our wrapup of February!

February 2020 Wrapup

(including dares wrapup)

  • Finish Ivy Introspective.
    • No! But I have now.
  • Recruit beta-readers for Ivy Introspective.
    • Done.
  • Figure out an editor schedule.
    • Yup!
  • Figure out how to improve At Her Fingertips.
    • Yup.
  • Finish first six emails for writers and begin sending subscribers through them.
    • Check to the second … kinda check to the first? I’m not sure.
  • Write the rest of the outline for the writing course.
    • Nope.
  • Consistently post on your blog twice a week.
  • Don’t worry about overarching themes. Just worry about getting the little things done well.
    • Eh … I guess?
  • Get the Reveries Co. website back up.

Random Stuff that Happened

  • More time spent with friends
  • Lots of awesome conversations
  • A band concert
  • Valentine’s Day as a non-single person (e.g. literally just like any other day / why do people stress this thing?)
  • Overall, not a bad month! But busy, busy, busy!

March 2020 Dares

(& Other Things That Are Happening)

  • Finish Ivy Introspective.
    • Check.
  • Get Ivy Introspective to my beta-readers.
    • Check.
  • Update categories & keywords for all my published books.
  • Ask my designer about the feasibility of editing paperback covers.
  • Continue keeping ahead of the game on the writing emails.
  • Relaunch Reveries Co.
  • Organize a splendiferous blog tour for Love Lifted Me by Faith Blum

Random Things Happening

  • Spring break (Ian & my friends!)
  • The crushing realization that there’s still three months until summer
    • Honestly, I get so sick of it not being summer by the time spring rolls around! I love winter, so I can look forward to that, but after Christmas, it gets to be endless, “Oh my word is it not summer yet?” Couldn’t care less about the weather, though I do like the extremes, but summer is a much easier work schedule for me.
    • Also, it’s snowing in Oregon.
  • I’m gonna plan for Camp NaNoWriMo!
    • More on that coming soon!

And that’s all I’ve got for now! I’ll come back soon with more fun posts. 😀 In the meantime, don’t let the Coronavirus scare you, enjoy your life, and try not to lick your friends.



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4 Responses

  1. LICKING FRIENDS WHAT A GREAT IDEA 😝 It’s already starting to feel like summer here so in a totally different way, I hear ya on it still being three months till summer…

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