A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Introducing Growing Writers

by Kellyn Roth |
August 29, 2020

Hello folks!

Long time no see! I’ve been working on a lot of different things, but primarily my schedule, prepping for the new school year, and of course … Growing Writers.

But what’s “Growing Writers”? you asked. Sounds a bit weird. I mean, you’re not planning on giving birth to a lot of writers, are you?

Well, I don’t know, maybe someday. *scratches chin* I sort of want one or two of my future children to like writing—or at least reading. However, given the fact that I’m not likely to have kids any time soon, I won’t plan on that.

Maybe Faith’s little David will be an author. I don’t know.

BUT ANYWAY, no. That’s not the type of growing I mean. Or rather we mean.

I feel like this has gotten weird in a hurry so I’m just going to get right into the business side of things, folks.

Introducing … 

Growing Writers

A LIVE 12-week course that teaches the basic principles of writing craft AND helps you write a short story from scratch!

These weekly videocall lessons cover topics such as plot, character, theme, dialogue, description, editing, and more.

They’re geared to help you learn all the vital writing craft skills you need to become an excellent writer … and that’s not all!

At the end of the program you’ll not only have a polished short story, but also the skills needed to continue to create stories and further your writing career.

Our program is geared for students ages 10-25 who need that extra push of encouragement and structure to equip them with the writing skills they need to write well—and to keep on writing!

Does this sound like something you’d be interested in? Well, you’re in luck! Registration is open now!

If you’d like to find out more, please check out our super special, super awesome long description (which I poured tons of work into … okay, and so did Zach and Faith, but I’m patting myself on the back because why not? My blog, my posts, my bragging!).

The Super Special, Super Awesome Long Description

How’s that?

I’m really excited about it, personally. I haven’t been teaching an official writing class since mid-June, and I haven’t had a full roster since … February?

It’s been a while.

So hopefully Zach, Faith, and I will be able to make a success of this program! We all love teaching and have a passion for encouraging growth and learning in a safe environment for young writers.

Well, that’s my spiel. Hope it wasn’t too boring. 😉 I’ve mostly been chipping away at scheduling concerns and such; nothing super exciting to update you on.




WHAT’VE YOU BEEN UP TO??!! Reallllyyyy, I care about you, even though I’ve neglected you for almost a month now. Despite the fact that we never speak, my heart remains yours. (Aimee made me write that. #friendproblems)

In all seriousness, we shall see how well I do on keeping this blog up in the future. Be chill, y’all!

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