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Are You Ready for a 5-Year Blogiversary? (Giveaway, Facebook Party, & More!)

by Kellyn Roth |
September 12, 2020

Even if you’re not ready, well, you don’t have a choice in the matter because, like it or not, five years ago I founded my blog, then (and for many years) called Reveries.

Now it’s called:

Which is very pretty, too. At least, in my opinion.

Anywho, to celebrate, I decided I MUST DO SOMETHING BIG, and after some consideration and a lot of worrying over whether or not I’d have the energy to throw something together …

I decided to have a Facebook event party, a 22-book giveaway featuring a dozen or so authors, an Instagram challenge, and, in general, drive myself absolutely mad because I have (literally) five other things going on right now that are big and time-consuming.

Sanity is overrated.

Because of this sanity, I’m going to move on to the business stuff before rambling about HOW EXCITING IT IS THAT I HAVE BEEN BLOGGING FOR FIVE YEARS!!! Like … how!? How evennnnn???

But first, the Official Stuff Like Giveaways and Facebook Events.

The 22-Book Giveaway

First, the grand giveaway … which features 22 ebooks from various clean realistic fiction authors:

Click here to enter!

And, in case you’re interested, here’s a complete list of the books you stand to win:

  • The Dressmaker’s Secret by Kellyn Roth
  • Ivy Introspective by Kellyn Roth
  • Faith Alone by Ruth E. Meyer
  • Hold Me Close by Marguerite Martin Gray
  • A Strand of Hope by Amanda Tero
  • Jim Wood by Rebekah Morris
  • Freedom by Faith Potts
  • Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzy
  • Once in a While by Linda Ellen
  • A Pirate at Pembroke by Danielle Thorne
  • RES-Q Tyler Stop by June McCrary Jacobs
  • Out of Time by Loretta Livingstone
  • The Old World by Roy M. Griffis
  • The Cake List by Dianne J. Wilson
  • Trusting His Heart by Jen Peters
  • Sweethearts Old by Rachel A. Anderson
  • Sunlight and Shadows by Jessica Marie Holt
  • Moonlight, Murder, & Small Town Secrets by KC Hart
  • The Move by Lori Wolf-Heffner
  • Love’s Broken Road by Julie Coulter Bellon
  • The Seven Days of Christmas by Sarah D. Tweet
  • Blue Bells of Scotland by Laura Vosika

The Facebook Event of the Century

Today, I’m hosting a Facebook party, complete with giveaways and games and a live Q&A, to celebrate my blogiversary!

The Schedule

11:00 AM PST — Kellyn Roth
11:30 — Dianne J. Wilson
12:00 — Marguerite Martin Gray
12:30 — Kellyn Roth
1:00 — Ruth E. Meyer
1:30 — Kellyn Roth (live Q&A)
2:30 — Michaela Bush
3:00 — Julie Coulter Bellon
3:30 — Abigail Harris
4:00 — Kellyn Roth

Click to Join Us Starting at 11 AM PST TODAY (9/12)!

It’s going to be a lot of fun, and I’d love to see you there!

And … an Instagram challenge!

Starting today, I’m hosting an awesome Instagram challenge for entrepreneurs!

I have post up on my account explaining more, but basically, it’s a way to talk about our businesses and … various things. The post explains it better. 😉

And now I just want to ramble …

Wow! Five years! That’s such a long time. It simultaneously feels like I’ve been blogging forever … and not very long at all! It’s a weird sensation to know that it’s been five whole years.

During that time, so much has happened! So many blog parties, tags, comments, likes, friendships, even a few enemies. 😉

I’ve had at least twelve if not closer to fifteen book launches (though some were repeats!). I’ve published poems, short stories, nonfiction articles on various subjects …

I’ve written blog posts that were professional as all get out and ones that felt more like a page from my journal. (Since I don’t really keep a journal, it might as well have been!)

I’ve learned, I’ve grown, I’ve tried different things. I’ve redesigned this blog a thousand times – and moved it entirely three or four times total.

I’ve grown in my writing – and I hope my blog posts have improved in quality with it. (Looking back at my old posts … yeah. I had a lot to learn!)

I’ve gone from fourteen to nineteen. From high school freshman to a graduate of two years. I’ve had multiple different jobs – and worked even harder on my writing career!

Basically, I feel like this blog has been a big deal to me. It was the first place where I felt like I had a connection to the writing community. It’s the place where I met a lot of friends I still have today!

And it means a lot to me. This blogiversary with all the little parties and such is my small way of giving back.

It’s not much! But it’s something. Because I need to thank each and every one of you for supporting me and my blog.

Thanks, reader. You’re one of the reasons I write!




Thanks so much for checking this out, y’all! I hope you get a chance to enter the giveaway, join the Facebook party, and just … I don’t know. Relax today and think about how God has blessed you in these last five years! He’s sure done wonders in my life.

What were you doing five years ago?

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