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The Write for Life Blog Tour, Part 2 | To Save a Life

by Kellyn Roth |
October 22, 2021

Hey everyone!

It’s time for part 2.

Y’all, I can not speak enough on how valuable children are. I cannot speak enough on how wrong it is to kill a child. And I cannot tell you how scientifically inaccurate it is to say that modern-day abortions do not take the life of a precious baby.

If you believe that abortion is only done on early-term babies who couldn’t survive outside of the womb, you are wrong. This book discusses one of such abortions that is “botched,” allowing the child to be born alive – something that happens more than you would think.

Which is why it means so much that people, like this author and others, are speaking up on the subject!

To Save a Life (Natty's Warriors Book 1) by [R. M. Peterson]About To Save a Life

Book 1 of Natty’s Warriors, this book tells the story of two young couples: one with big questions and one with the answers they need. When a baby is born alive after a botched abortion, the parents are faced with questions they have never considered.

This story follows their journey to the Answers they need regarding Christ, the value of Life, and what they must do to turn their lives around.


Find the Rest

There’s a bookstagram/blog challenge, author interviews, character spotlights, and more!

See the Rest of the Prolife Tour

Join the Honor Life challenge by posting on your blog or Instagram! Post a photo, or a quote, or a book, or a caption that features one of the prompts, and use the #honorlifechallenge hashtag. Don’t forget to link back to restinglife.com and lifeofheritage.com on a blog or tag @erikamathewsauthor and @lifeofheritage on Instagram!

I was so excited to have been given the opportunity to participate in this tour! <3 This is a cause near and dear to my heart, though I don’t get to talk about it much (mostly because I don’t talk about much of anything on here anymore!), and it’s wonderful seeing so many people sharing about it.

Keep fighting for life, y’all.



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