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This Life of Mine by Victoria Lynn | Bookish Spotlight & Launch Day Celebration

by Kellyn Roth |
March 22, 2023

Today is the day! This Life of Mine by Victoria Lynn has released into the world and is available wherever books are sold! This book is The Chronicles of Elira: Book 2 (the first being the book you’ve probably heard everyone in the indie world talking about, Once I Knew!).

This Life of Mine is launching with Glory Writers press, which is … well, a mix of everything. If you don’t know about The Glory Writers, it’s a fantastic source of information, services, and now, an up-and-coming HYBRID PRESS (kind of like what we’re doing with Wild Blue Wonder Press, but a little different).

I linked their website above, but you can check them out on Instagram (great advice, challenges, services, etc.) or … make sure to give their NEW Instagram account a follow, Glory Writers Press. I’m really excited to see where this goes!

I’m really excited for Victoria – this book looks phenomenal, and honestly, if you want a crash course in how to market a book, how to serve your audience, and how to be an authentic, awesome girl-for-God’s-glory (ya know, a girl boss but Christian?), you should just follow her already! She’s fantastic.

I’ve actually read most of the first book and then my Kindle Unlimited subscription expired (we is broke?) but I renewed it this month, and it’s high on my list. So far, it’s been fantastic! I just need more time to read, plainly, so I can finish book 1 … and move on to book 2!

About This Life of Mine

Marcus is tired of losing those he loves. The last shred of his childhood has been uprooted, and he feels alone… again. When the ruler’s new policies take effect, the anger of the Rusalkan mountain king is unleashed upon the borderlands. With refugees streaming into Elira by the hundreds, the stories from the wall are horrific.

Marcus joins a convoy to lend his medical skills to those in need at the Eliran border. What he finds there requires him to face his own deformities. Will he be able to overcome them? Or will his life forever be marked by suffering and sacrifice?

Dilara’s life as a slave in Rusalka was anything but idealistic. Consumed by a system designed to use, abuse, and discard the likes of her, she has been taken through the very depths. Carrying a traumatic secret and wounded in her frenzied escape, she finds herself with an unlikely protector and an even more confusing relationship. Can she traverse the waters of this new life of hers and make it her own?

Find it on Victoria’s Website ~ Buy on Amazon ~ Add on Goodreads

Some Creative Materials

(because these are the most fun)




About Victoria Lynn

Victoria Lynn has an insatiable desire for truth, light and beauty.

Traveling to destinations of beauty created by our Heavenly Father, reveling in creative pursuits that fill her with joy, or pouring her heart into words of life are some of her favorite things to do.

She seeks to bring the life giving words of the Savior to a dark and broken world that desperately needs to know of His sacrifice.

A writing and publishing coach, author, journalist, seamstress and creator, she loves spending time with any of her 8 siblings, exploring her native state of Michigan, and sewing gowns fit for a princess.










Have you read anything by Victoria Lynn? She’s been around the indie community as long as I can honestly remember, and I have such fond memories of the “early days” (uh, for me) and chatting with her and being a “Chatter Box Girl.” (Does anyone else remember that? What was that, five years ago now? It feels like an eternity.)

I was also blessed to be able to meet her in-person once, and I would love to do so again if God ever makes it happen. We just, you know, live on opposite sides of the country, more or less. 😛 I’ll see her in August for the YWW Conference (again, God-willing).

Honestly, I’m so glad Victoria (and The Glory Writers team) are making such a splash & putting out such great content. You can tell the world – especially the Christian indie world – is so excited about this because it is so needed. We are starving for clean fiction that still addresses tough topics in a godly light. We need more people willing to shine light in the dark places while not denying that they were very dark indeed to begin with – hence the need for light.

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