A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

My Blog & Website Are Updated!

by Kellyn Roth |
November 22, 2023

Hello folks!

Look around you! You’re looking at a brand-new website!

I mean, it’s still the same old website, in some ways, but updated by Plethora Creative! They did a fantastic job updating the website, and it looks sooo good! If you want, take a moment to just browse around and see all the pretties.

I especially love the home page! But the book pages are great, too, as are the all the other pages. Definitely recommend Plethora Creative for your web design needs. They did the Wild Blue Wonder Press website, too.

The Random Thoughts Portion of the Post

As you can see, I updated my author photos while I was at it.

Snuck in a couple varieties:

All taken by Matthew at our latest Oregon Coast trip. Because, you know, the Peter Iredale obviously crashed to provide me with a photo op. (Also, Fort Columbia was just THERE.)


It’s coming up on Thanksgiving (… very rapidly … tomorrow), and that’s always a FUN time of the year for me (which I’m going to talk more about in further blog posts – and don’t worry, it’s not family drama; it’s Kell-specific drama), so onward and upward, as they say.

You’ll have to comment below and tell me what you’re doing for Thanksgiving. We’re going to my parents this year (we swap years – Matthew’s parents will be next year), and it should be pretty standard Christmas stuff. I’m going to attempt to wear a dress, meaning I will have worn a dress once since August.

Excellent. I am woman.

Future Posts ~ Coming Soon!

For the sake of accountability, I decided to tell you what my plans for the next couple weeks are. Because, you know, it would be helpful for me to not just add to my bookmarks tab of “projects” every time I write a blog post. I actually need to edit and publish them.

So let’s talk about what we’re doing next!

Also, I will probably get a post out sometime this weekend to talk about the Black Friday Book Sale, but you know, that’s not exciting. I mean, it is, but not in the sense that most of you don’t know at least something about it. A lot of my books will be going on sale, though! And I’ll also let y’all know if I have options open for Christmas gifts or such, but that’s rather unlikely this year.

The Apostle Paul & Speaking to Your Audience as a Christian Writer

I promise it’ll make sense once I post it on 11/29/2023

NaNoWriMo 2023, the Christmas Season, and Kell’s Life

To be published on 12/06/2023. This is just a life update with a few added things I don’t think I’ve talked about on here too much. (Plus, I wanted to say SOMETHING about NaNo, which is almost over now.)

Shifting the Focus: God-Honoring Fiction vs. Clean Fiction

Based on a post I shared to Instagram a while ago, this will go live on 12/13/2023.

A New Sort of Christmas

… in which I’ll share some musings I’ve been having about the holiday season, methinks. Though we shall see if this one doesn’t get swapped out, depending on how long I talk.

I’ll be publishing this post on 12/20/2023.

Novelists in November ~ a complete breakdown of my plans for the anthology

… will come out on 12/27/2023, ideally speaking. I know I should be publishing something Christmasy, but I didn’t want to delay it any longer, and yet, I also didn’t want to publish it this month because … I’ve been busy.

I guess technically the right way to word that would be “I did want to publish it but didn’t have time,” but meh.

Welcome to 2024 (and how 2023 went)

01/03/2023 will be my annual year wrapup as well as goals and plans for 2024.

After that, I do have more posts planned, but honestly, I’ll probably shift them around a time or two, so revealing them ahead of time won’t provide accountability for me so much as frustration for you.

That said, I’m hoping to be more active on this blog in the future, so we’ll see how that goes!

As always, I’d like to remind you that my email list houses the majority of my entertainment and is the best way to keep in contact with me … and also, that I’m so close to 800 subscribers that I can taste it, so do me a favor and help me out. 😉

There’s a special email list just for writers, too, if that’s your thing.



Are you interested in getting to know me & my books better? Join my email list!

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6 Responses

  1. “I’m going to attempt to wear a dress, meaning I will have worn a dress once since August.

    Excellent. I am woman.”



    Anyway…as I’ve said before, the makeover looks goooooood. Also, I’m looking forward to all these posts, especially the one about God-honoring fiction vs. clean fiction!

What do you think of my thoughts?

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