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To Middle (To Write or Not To Write, #1)

Today I will have a few tips on writing a middle. I was inspired by Liv (who suggested this post) and Cora, who started the blog tag To Write or Not to Write and nominated me. To find out more about that, go here. I’m calling this the first, as it is the first on Reveries, […]

How to Avoid the Nightmares of Editing

If you think I’m about to tell you how NOT to edit, you’re wrong. I’m just going to tell you how to edit without pain. What? you say. That’s impossible! The definition of editing is ‘a painful process by which authors attempt to improve their books.’ That’s not true! Editing doesn’t have to be awful! Of […]

Plot Construction 101: Climax

Well, guys, we’ve come to the climax. What is a climax? It’s the most exciting part of the novel, of course. It’s what we’ve all been waiting for. And now it’s here. And … we’re going to make it a lot less exciting by talking about it. 😉 Essentially, the climax is the coming-together of […]

Plot Construction 101: Inciting Incident

  Hello, all! Well, it’s time for the next episode in Plot Construction 101, which is basically me summarizing all the stuff you knew, and I didn’t until I started researching it recently because I was having trouble with Ivy Introspective. Today we’ll be talking about the inciting incident. Rising action usually starts with an […]

Epilogues: Finishing Her Up

Hello Everyone! Some of my images have disappeared from various pages. *clears throat* I, um, accidently deleted them. So … some posts may be missing their images. Including this one. Thanks! I told you about prologues last week, so it makes sense that I should talk about epilogues this week!

Prologues: The Dos and Don’ts

Prologues are, perhaps, the most greatly debated technique out there. They are greatly overused. Some stories – most stories – are better off without their prologues. They are out of style. Most publishers and readers dislike them. I’ve heard that some even skip them. Though I think that’s kind of stupid. Why bother reading the book if […]

Tips for Writing a Book Series

Hello, Everyone! Sorry about the half-a-post yesterday. 😉 I deleted it after I accidently published it … but I’m pretty sure it went out to everyone who receives email notifications of new posts. Sorry about that. I’m not perfect. 😛 Today I’ll be giving you a few tips for writing a book series. 🙂

How to Write Three-Dimensional Characters

The most important thing you can put in your book is well-rounded, three-dimensional characters. According to Google, the definition of three-dimensional (in literature) is sufficiently full in characterization and representation of events to be believable. So a three-dimensional character is a character that is, well, human.