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Interview with Rachel Leitch | A Year of Springtime in Surrey

Hey folks! Today I’m sharing something new for the A Year of Springtime in Surrey Celebration … an interview with Rachel Leitch, one of our authors! I won’t keep you waiting … let’s introduce you to Rachel! Introduce yourself and your Springtime in Surrey story! Hi! I’m Rachel Leitch, the author of The Odd Duck […]

A Very Bookish Romance Has Launched!

A Very Bookish Romance is launched! This is a 5-book novella collection which features stories centered around the holiday of Valentine’s Day and a classic novel (inspired by more than strict retellings, though they sort of count as both). My story is a WWII home front romance featuring a single mother and a limping farmer. […]

5 Vital To Dos That Should Be on Every Author’s List

Hey folks! I thought it’d be fun to do a basic post with some things I often see authors NOT doing … that they should! Let’s get right into it. 1: Set up Amazon Author Central, Goodreads, and BookBub Accounts Once you have a book out, make sure your Amazon Author Central, Goodreads, and BookBub […]

The Lady of the Vineyard is now available to pre-order!

I know I shouldn’t be posting this today, but I just thought you’d like to know that you can now pre-order The Lady of the Vineyard on Amazon! 😀 Are you excited? Are you clicking on that link and rushing to Amazon? You aren’t? WHAT KIND OF A BLOG-FOLLOWER ARE YOU???!!! Just kidding, of course. […]