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Comparing Patrick and Cassie from Like a Ship on the Sea

Today I have a kind of unusual post—I’ll be comparing Patrick Hilton and Cassie O’Connell from my novel, Like a Ship on the Sea. There’s a dichotomy between them, surely, but also so many similarities that I didn’t even realize existed until the revision stage. At which point, I was, of course, delighted. As we […]

Introducing the Hiltons of Boston ~ A Post for the Like a Ship on the Sea Launch

Today’s post is an intro for a few characters who haven’t shown up in a novel I’ve written yet. Scroll down to read all about the Hiltons of Boston! Also, I’d like to apologize to all the bloggers/Instagrammers/etc. I haven’t checked in with/commented on/so on. Suffice to say, I will never be having my wisdom […]

Ivy Introspective Is With the Editor! Now What?

As of this Sunday, Ivy Introspective is now with her editor. It took me waaaay too long to actually finish my own edits, but I’ve finally done it – and it’s out of my hands. Until the beginning of June, I don’t have to think about it. Which begs the question … now what? I […]

The Dressmaker’s Secret Events – Everything You Might Have Missed

The Dressmaker’s Secret is now out into the world. You can purchase it on Amazon and review it on Amazon and … yeah, no, that’s about it. You can buy a signed paperback copy, too, if that’s your thing. 😉 But let’s not delay. Let’s wrapup what’s been up! First, let’s check out all the […]

Rescue Road by Gayle M. Irwin (Blog Tour Wrapup)

Hello, ladies and gents! Can you believe we’re already over halfway through the month? I sure can’t – I’m not sure I’ll ever quite catch up! Though … to be fair, I’m almost never caught up. I have a fun post coming for you next Wednesday, but before that happens, I have a couple blog […]

Souls Astray: Cover Reveal!

Are you read to see Souls Astray‘s cover? Because today I’m going to give it to you … along with a preorder link and announcements about blog tours and whatnot! For that reason, today’s post will be short, but you know what? I’m still exhausted, so it had to be that way. And yeah, I […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 7

Hey y’all! This is the last official post of the blog tour before the wrapup tomorrow evening! Sorry for it getting out so late. I worked from 10 AM until pretty much now today, so yep. Tomorrow’s post will be similar – only even later. (Gym meet!) Today is future day! That means we’re talking […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 2

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to the second day of the Beyond Her Calling blog tour! I’m so excited to have you here. Today is theme day! I’m going to talk about the symbolism and the meanings and all that fun jazz – and of course the Christianity stuff. Without further ado, THEME DAY FOR […]

A Defense of Honor by Kristi Ann Hunter

I LOVED Kristi Ann Hunter’s A Defense of Honor! But before I get into my ranting, fangirling review (I’m trying to keep it minimal, don’t worry), I’ll talk briefly about … CAMP NANO BEING OVER! Guess what? I went over my goal of 60,000 at 76,441! (Just so you know, ~30K of those were Before […]

My Favorite Excerpts from Once a Stratton

As you may or may not know, I worked on Once a Stratton for Camp NaNoWriMo this year. I only went for 10,000 words (I wrote 24,593 bringing the novel to 59,749 words), but I’ve still got a bit to go. It’s going to be a lot shorter than I’d planned, though! Returning to this […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 6

IT’S THE LAST DAY OF THE TOUR EXCEPT FOR OUR WRAPUP!!! Wow. That went sooooo incredible fast! Did y’all enjoy it? Thoughts, comments?! Today is future day. That means we’ll be talking about novels I have yet to write, etc. It’s going to be beyond exciting! (Also, I’ll be sharing some spoilers on Facebook, so be […]