Tackling Tough Topics with Tact ~ Like a Ship on the Sea Launch Tour & Giveaway
Today’s topic is one close to my heart … and one I kind of talked about in Monday’s post (okay, I totally RAMBLED about it in last Monday’s post), but this time will be less, “My heart behind it!” and more, “Here’s how to do it, in my opinion.” With the caveat that I am […]
Why You Should Read Like a Ship on the Sea | Launch Tour, Giveaway, & More!
Hey folks! With Like a Ship on the Sea releasing tomorrow, I thought now is as good a time as any to try to convince you to read the novel … right? After I get through a giveaway and all the other fun launch stuff, I’m going to talk about that … but first, I’d […]
My Key to Recovering from Finishing a Long Project
Hey readers! Look at me, posting on the right day and on time! 😉 I’m practically an Expertâ„¢, and I will hear no objections. Kell = professional = great blogger. Now, here’s the dealio: I recently finished Ivy Introspective, and as soon as I was done, I realized my imaginary characters had stopped talking to […]