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Because I’m All Right … Sorta

Hey there! I … yeah. Been a while. 😅 It’s been a while since I’ve been productive, so that makes sense. But that’s okay. Life has been hectic, I feel like I’m always on the run, and I’m behind on several deadlines. Like, I’m not exaggerating. Several deadlines, some which seriously involve other people. But […]

5 Reasons Adulting is Awesome

Hello y’all! I’m seventeen, and I’m not an adult. I graduated from high school and have some part-time jobs (on and off the internet), but I still live with my folks + don’t have to feed or water or walk myself. So. I am nowhere near qualified to write on this subject, but you know what? […]

God-Defined Dreamer

From movies to books to songs, you hear the resounding message: “Follow your dreams.” And I suppose there is some right in the saying. There’s certainly nothing wrong with working towards your goals.* However, I believe people who feel strongly that following your dreams** is the one way to go have missed Something important. Not […]