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Do We Really Need More Portrayal of Sexual Subjects in Christian Romance?

Today, as promised in last week’s post, I’m talking about a rather interesting subject: the portrayal of sexual subjects in Christian romance. And specifically, do we need to talk about it? In Christian romance or any Christian sub-genre? What about on our author platforms? What about in “real life”? Convictions Matter, Of Course! Now, before […]

Why You Should Buy Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion

As you know, I am soon launching an anthology with the Author Conservatory … Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion. And, well, of course I think you should buy it! However, I do realize that a part of you is probably going, “Well, why should I?” Let me tell you why! But […]

When Hearts Are Broken – Romance Collaboration with H.S. Kylian

Kellyn Roth here, and today I’m joined by H.S. Kylian to talk about Romance in Christian Fiction. Our first two posts were published here (about chemistry in Christian romance) and here (about kissing in Christian romance), but so definitely take some time to read those next time you get a chance! However, in this blog […]

Why We Need Chemistry in Christian Romance

Hey folks! I’m Kellyn Roth, and I’m here today with H.S. Kylian to talk about chemistry in romance. (If you don’t know, Hannah writes a bunch of cool serieses in the family saga arena, and you arguably can’t have a family without chemistry. More on that later.) This is the first in a series of […]

5 Updates from Publishing to Blog Series

Hey folks! Today I wanted to share five updates! They’re short and sweet, so let’s dive right into them. Like the Air After Rain: Publication Dates My new goal is to publish Like the Air After Rain in May 2025. A little about the book … Lorelei Hilton is on the cusp of an arranged […]

Novelists in November ~ a complete breakdown of my plans for the anthology

As some of you may know, Wild Blue Wonder Press is launching a new anthology (like Springtime in Surrey) next November, and our submissions are open now! Though that information has been shared in other areas, I decided I’d better make use of my blog, too, so here are the facts! From the Wild Blue […]

The Case for Physical Attraction in Christian Romance

Lately, y’all have been acting … well, exactly the same as you always have acted about physical attraction in Christian romance. Yet as an adult, with adult thoughts (okay, childish thoughts, but at least I AM an adult, technically), I feel a need to sit down and write another post about it. I’m sure you’ve […]

Introducing Like a Ship on the Sea

My next book is releasing in September 2023, so now’s a good time to talk about it, right? Let’s do a book intro, talk about our main characters, and in general just reveal some information! Introducing Like a Ship on the Sea The Blurb If God asks you to confront a storm, how dare you […]