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Victorian Womanhood vs. the American Christian Church

Note: this post discusses sexual topics, largely surrounding how the Christian church treats women when it comes to both sexual sins and sex in general. If that’s not your cup of tea, this post may not be for you. In 2018, as a brave & bold 17-year-old, I wrote two posts: The Victorian Ideal vs. […]

Villainizing Romance & Other Dumb Things Christians Do

A bold title, ain’t it? I hoped it would attract your attention, and I hope the post that follows is worthy of your attention. If it isn’t, well, what can I say? I am only human, and though I have put much thought and many words into this article, perhaps it will still fall flat […]

A Post of Conundrums (in which I ramble about what God is saying to me)

Lately, I’ve been having a lot of thoughts, and it’s been a long time since I’ve rambled here. So I decided to talk about two things: Being a control freak and being a lazy bum. More or less. So let’s talk about that. The Self-Control Conundrum My car has been in two accidents (I was […]

Resting in God & Other Things I Dislike Doing

Once upon a time there was a girl named Kellyn Roth. Well, really, her name was Kelly Lyn Garrett, but sometimes it was hard for her to separate the two, especially since she always put so much pressure to perform on dear old Kellyn. But that’s a story for another time. The story I have […]