A Year of Springtime in Surrey (celebration event!)

With Novelists in November currently available for preorder, it can be easy to get caught up in the celebrations (and the excitement!) of this launch … but I don’t want to forget our first gorgeous collection! Springtime in Surrey was the first anthology to release with Wild Blue Wonder Press, and as I did some […]
Finding Your Voice (Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion)

As you probably know, Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion released last week, and I am still in celebration mode! Getting to be a part of this awesome anthology with the Author Conservatory has been amazing, and I’m thrilled to say that we have sold 500+ books thus far … and are […]
It’s Launch Day for Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion

Hello friends! Kellyn Roth here, and today is launch day for the Author Conservatory anthology, “Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion.” This anthology features nine amazing authors (myself included in that number – and yes, I did just call myself amazing) and has an important mission: highlighting young authors and sharing their […]
Why You Should Buy Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion

As you know, I am soon launching an anthology with the Author Conservatory … Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion. And, well, of course I think you should buy it! However, I do realize that a part of you is probably going, “Well, why should I?” Let me tell you why! But […]
Introducing the Hiltons of Boston ~ A Post for the Like a Ship on the Sea Launch

Today’s post is an intro for a few characters who haven’t shown up in a novel I’ve written yet. Scroll down to read all about the Hiltons of Boston! Also, I’d like to apologize to all the bloggers/Instagrammers/etc. I haven’t checked in with/commented on/so on. Suffice to say, I will never be having my wisdom […]
The Springtime in Surrey Blog Tour Kickoff | Wild Blue Wonder Press’s Debut Anthology Is Here!

HEY FOLKS! Kellyn here, and I’m SO READY for the launch of Wild Blue Wonder Press‘s first-ever anthology, a collection of eight novellas hand-selected to share some amazing Christian themes, both explicit and more subtle, with you. These stories are clean (at worst, PG for thematic elements like a Jane Austen adaptation, but you can […]
Announcing the Springtime in Surrey Blog Tour & Launch Team Signups

Hey folks! This will be a short & sweet blog post … Will you join the blog tour AND/OR the launch team for Springtime in Surrey? You can click those links there, or you can read the descriptions below and decide what you want to join! Join the Blog Tour If you haven’t participated in […]
The Springtime in Surrey Cover Reveal! (Wild Blue Wonder Press’s First-Ever Anthology!)

Hey everyone! Why shouldn’t we have a cover reveal!?!? The truth is … WE SHOULD. So let’s. And I do not know what to say about that other than the fact that I’m going to be writing my five-star reviews for each novella in this collection below the blurbs, so be sure to scroll down […]
Like a Ship on the Sea | Cover Reveal & Preorder Launch

I’m terribly excited to be revealing the cover and launching the preorder for the first book in The Hilton Legacy, Like a Ship on the Sea. This novel will be releasing September 5th, 2023, with Wild Blue Wonder Press. And honestly, I couldn’t be more excited! This was a hard book to write in a […]
Saintly, Sweet, Sensual, & Smutty: a treatise on the four types of romance novels & how to navigate them as a Christian

My dear reader, today I am undertaking a task few would approach and fewer still would do with any professionalism. I am fortunate to not be one of those few in the final category. Though my idiocy has driven me to undertake this post, I cannot promise it will be entertaining or insightful in any […]
Chapter length, story length, and more: the ultimate guide to how long you should be writing

How many words!? This is a question I’ve heard repeated over and over again in every writing forum I’ve ever visited. Writers just want to know how long their chapters and their books in general should be. The problem is, there’s not a solid answer. “How many words!?” Most the time I find myself saying, […]
Let’s Talk about Wild Blue Wonder Press

Wild Blue Wonder Press is launched, and I realized I haven’t officially chatted about it on my blog, so here we go. Wild Blue Wonder Press has always been my main imprint, but I’ve wanted it to be something more, well, forever! In particular, I wanted it to serve as a way to help indie […]