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March Character Studies

Morgan Dusky at Studies in Character, a wonderful blog written almost entirely by the author’s fictitious characters, hosts a monthly character study. You can find out more about it here. This month’s theme is Introductions. And yes. I do realize that it’s April. I’ve been having a crazy week … actually, I’ve been having several […]

The Elsie Dinsmore Series by Martha Finley

Hello, Readers! Today I’ll be reviewing, or rather discussing, the Elsie Dinsmore series by Martha Finley. Martha Finley was born in 1828. She wrote numerous books, the most popular being the twenty-eight “Elsie books.” She died January 30, 1909. The Elsie Dinsmore series is, essentially, a devotional (and, meanwhile, an interesting story) for Victorian children. I have read […]

Review of Reveille by David B. Hunter

Reveille by David B. Hunter is the story of Ben Anderson, a teenage boy who joins the Union Army during the American Civil War. Reveille (the first book of the Boy Bugler series) got off to a slow start with Ben joining the First Iowa and starting his training as a bugler (as he is […]