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An Imaginary Changing of the Names in the Kees & Colliers Series

Some time ago, I made a post in my street team, Mrs. Roth’s Society Column, discussing imaginary name changes in the Kees & Colliers series. My street team was NOT pleased. Because apparently they love the original names. Which, to be fair, they are memorable names, but if I had it to do all over […]

The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour {Giveaway Included!}

Welcome to the blog tour and announcement and giveaway launch pad all rolled into one post! I’ve been “out of the office,” per se, but I had to pop on to make this post … and let you know what’s going on. This isn’t your average blog tour, but it’s still gonna be a fun […]

Giveaways & Wrapups & the Future, Oh My!

Ready for the future? I’m not. *has no plans for anything past next month* But this post is about the plans for future books, publications, etc. – and it has signups for ARCs, blog tours, and all of that stuff! Also, I want to talk about The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy – and what […]

Souls Astray Blog Tour: Character Takeover Day!

Did you miss me? I hope so, because I’m back with the Souls Astray tour, and it’s not fun to come back and find you weren’t missed. *quiet weeping* But yep, it feels a bit weird to not update every day … I’m also falling waaay behind, so that’s not good. Y’all pray I won’t […]

Souls Astray: Blog Tour Intro {Giveaway, Posts, & More!}

Well. It’s time for crazy screaming and random crying because SOULS ASTRAY IS LIVE ON AMAZON, AND THE BLOG TOUR IS HAPPENING! And there’s a giveaway! And it includes some special things you can do to earn extra points (#KellSaysYoureGreat). I’m just so excited that I don’t want to wait another moment, so let’s get […]

Souls Astray: Cover Reveal!

Are you read to see Souls Astray‘s cover? Because today I’m going to give it to you … along with a preorder link and announcements about blog tours and whatnot! For that reason, today’s post will be short, but you know what? I’m still exhausted, so it had to be that way. And yeah, I […]

The 1K Contest, Kind, and Reveries Co. {3 Important Updates}

Today I’m going to talk about Kind and other updates. (Kind isn’t the main thing, but given that I’m PUBLISHING A BOOK, I figured it deserved first billing.) But yes, there are other things I have to talk about – and, as the title indicates, those two thinks are a 1K Contest (which you’re totally […]

Goldfish Secrets Is Launched! (+announcements)

Guess what? Goldfish Secrets is officially launched! You can now purchase it on the following online stores. So what? say you. Well, there’s a giveaway that everyone can enter, and of course y’all should just be glad that I published a new novel. *gives you a weird look* *because you obviously don’t care about me* […]