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Cover Reveal: At Her Fingertips!

Last night, the cover was officially revealed with a big Facebook party, but now I’m sharing it with y’all, my favorite readers. 😛 (Aw, c’mon, don’t feel bad that you weren’t the first! You were first in my heart … really!) Because I’m short of time, this is going to be a short post … […]

March 2018 Dares

Well … that month flew by! And I say that practically every month, but this time it was true because there are only twenty-eight days in February (takes me by surprise every time) so the month did fly by. Literally. It was flying past my window the other night, and I was like, “Feb … where […]

February 2018 Dares

Guess what? It’s already the last day of January! Isn’t that beyond unbelievable? Why, I remember December 31st like it was yesterday. *ripple dissolve* Seriously, though, folks. I’m excited for February!* I don’t have a lot of great plans for the month, but I’m glad to be starting anew. A lot of things about January […]

Writing About Children

Just the other day, I was scrolling through social media, and I saw a post mentioning that it’s very hard to write children. I skimmed past quickly. It’s not fun to be the only one not in pain. Because … to me, writing children is not hard. In fact, it’s a lot easier than writing […]

Plot Bunny Into Story?

Hiya, ladies and gents! Today I’m here to tell you how how to turn your plot bunny into a story (courtesy of me thinking about this a lot because that’s what I’m currently doing). Now, I’m by no means an expert, but I do believe I can offer some advice based on my personal experience, […]

Introducing “That Plot Bunny”

Apologies for this post being so late! I’ve been having a busy last couple days, what with school and work and writing and editing, and I haven’t found a lot of time to blog! Plus I spent most of my blogging time working on AAWC instead of my regular book posts. 😛 Now, a couple […]

Finishing The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy

This was a post I planned for just before the 12 Days of Christmas party, but I ended up doing other post and saving this one until later and whoosh! It’s January! In this post I’ll be talking about my plans for finishing off the rather long and complicated series that The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy […]

How 2018 Will (Hopefully) Go

Hello Ladies and Gents! It’s finally time to list my goals for the New Year (as well as my January 2018 Dares). Are you as pumped for 2018 as I am?! However, before we begin, I’d like to invite you to beta-read At Her Fingertips! I talked about this at the end of the last […]

How 2017 Went

Hey there! It’s almost 2018! *much excitement/confusion/anticipation* Can you believe it? I sure can’t. It seemed like only yesterday I was doing that stupid video about New Year’s Resolutions that was super boring. By the way, ‘Remembrance Day’ is apparently sort of the British ‘Veteran’s Day.’ Which makes that one British book I read called […]

How to Recover from NaNoWriMo

If you’re like me, after NaNo you feel a little … lost. Sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks. What to do with your life now that you’re not writing like a maniac? Well, today I’m going to introduce you to my amazing Five-Step Guide to Regaining Your Life after National Novel Writing Month. So, without […]

December 2017 Dares

HELLO FRIENDS. Long time, no see! Well, okay, it’s only been a couple days since Wednesday, but lots has happened, and I’m more than ready to get back to our regularly scheduled programming! This month we have some great dares for you (all taken from my extremely long to-do list, haha … NaNo is all-consuming, […]

NaNo Update #5: Finishing Her Up!

First of all, before I begin this last NaNo update … can we give a round of applause to my insta-graphic format? *a couple people clap* *everyone gives me a weird look* *I go hide in a cave and live out the rest of my days as a hermit* Really, though. It was so easy […]