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How 2018 Will (Hopefully) Go

Hello Ladies and Gents! It’s finally time to list my goals for the New Year (as well as my January 2018 Dares). Are you as pumped for 2018 as I am?! However, before we begin, I’d like to invite you to beta-read At Her Fingertips! I talked about this at the end of the last […]

How 2017 Went

Hey there! It’s almost 2018! *much excitement/confusion/anticipation* Can you believe it? I sure can’t. It seemed like only yesterday I was doing that stupid video about New Year’s Resolutions that was super boring. By the way, ‘Remembrance Day’ is apparently sort of the British ‘Veteran’s Day.’ Which makes that one British book I read called […]

February 2017 Spotlight: Goals and Titles (Again)

Sorry about the post being so late, guys. I’ve been distracted … by How to Train Your Dragon. What? I need to spend more time with my brothers, so … okay, you’ve got me; I like HTTYD. Then I’ve been in this kinda mood these last couple days: And my family is like this: And […]

January 2017 Dares (and New Year’s Resolutions)

Wow. Can you believe that it’s 2017? I sure can’t. I mean, I can believe that it’s 2017 … I’m not, like, doubting its existence or anything, but … wow! 2016 was such an amazing year! Almost nothing went wrong. Almost everything went right. But now we’ve got to move on to a new year. […]

New Year’s Resolutions

Well, it’s New Year’s Eve! Here is a list of a few things I want to accomplish in 2016, God willing. 🙂