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September 2017 Character Studies: Adae of Maran

Time again for a round of questions by Morgan Dusky @ Studies in Character! I know it’s soon after the last round, but I really need to figure one of my characters (Adae from, well, Adae) out, and the questions are here, sooo? Why wait! This month’s theme is “the great outdoors!” If you want […]

Character Studies | August 2017

Hello ladies and gents! Guess what? Character Studies is back! I am so excited! Morgan’s blog, Studies in Character, is the best ever, and doing her character interviews always helps me figure out something about a character. Basically, Morgan’s been super busy and gone since the New Year (and hasn’t done Character Studies since October […]

October Character Studies ~ Costumes

First: OH MY GOSH!!! She liked my idea. Is the world collapsing on you or is it just me?!?!?! Wait a minute … why would the world be collapsing if I actually thought up something good that someone liked for once instead of a bunch of mindless blither-blather? Well … I don’t know. Maybe because everything’s been kind […]

July Character Studies ~ Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals

Well, it’s time for another Character Studies! This time we have “Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals” for the subject. It’s a fun one. I’ve noticed that most people are doing unfeeling pessimists. Or perhaps that’s just me. At any rate, I’m doing a character I don’t know much about, so … maybe she’s an unfeeling pessimist. […]

June Character Studies ~ Comfort

Well, another Character Studies has come around! As some (most, that is) of you probably know, Character Studies is hosted by Morgan Dusky ( She has the coolest blog you ever saw! Her characters have (supposedly) possessed it, and they write the posts. Very entertaining (and informative). Today, as usual, I’ll be doing Parts 1 […]

May Character Studies: Hobbies

Well, it’s time for another Character Study! 🙂 For those of you who don’t know, Character Studies is a monthly character interview hosted by Morgan Dusky at Studies in Characters. You should totally check out her awesome blog! It’s so creative! So, this time I’m going to be interviewing one of my favorite characters from […]

April Character Studies: Faults

Once again, it’s time for Character Studies! As you may know, it’s hosted by Morgan Dusky at Studies in Character. You can find out more about it here. This month’s theme is Character Faults. I’ll be interviewing George “Jordy” McAllen from The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy. He’ll make an appearance for the first time in the series in […]

March Character Studies

Morgan Dusky at Studies in Character, a wonderful blog written almost entirely by the author’s fictitious characters, hosts a monthly character study. You can find out more about it here. This month’s theme is Introductions. And yes. I do realize that it’s April. I’ve been having a crazy week … actually, I’ve been having several […]