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Writers: Push Introversion Aside for a Day

Hello writers! I’m not the only introvert here, am I? I thought not. Extroverted writers exist – and in fact, I know quite a few! – but they’re less common than introverts. That’s because writing is a solitary sport. For that reason, it’s not really a big deal if writers are introverts. In fact, it’s […]

Does Your Novel Deserve a Sequel?

Does your novel deserve a sequel? That’s a tough question to answer. As fiction writers, I think we’d most often like the answer to be: “Yes!” It’s hard to let go of characters and plots and worlds we adore. However – surprise, surprise – not all novels need a sequel. In fact, some of them […]

Writing Will Get Easier

Writing is tough. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. It takes a lot of effort, it’s stressful, and more often than not it brings little or not reward. However … we still write. And it’s still hard. But I can promise you one thing: It’s going to get easier the more you write. You […]

My Plans for Once a Stratton

I think I’ve talked a little bit about my plans for Once a Stratton – I’m never very tight-lipped with y’all! – but I’ve never gone into detail about what to expect in the next couple months and years. So … today I’d like to write a post briefly explaining my plans and goals for […]

May 2018 Dares

*blinks* Okay, so, April was … pretty crazy? And I only half-survived it, but I’m here, and I’m better, and it’s all good. *two thumbs up* I’m still reeling a bit from April (five days into May, I know, it’s hard to adjust!). So making plans for May feels distant. Combined with the fact that […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Finale!

And today’s the day when it all ends! *can’t believe it* *is again a little teary* Time for wrapping up all the posts, for announcing the giveaway winners … and for taking a break! At Her Fingertips is officially out in the world. It’s been published on quite a few sales channels – including Barnes & […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 1

ANNNNDDDDDD … IT’S HERE! *insert excited wild crazy screaming* At Her Fingertips is now live on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback format! Whoa … *takes a deep breath* I’m actually getting a little emotional here! This is my favorite book that I’ve written so far, and I can’t believe it’s out there. I can’t wait […]

Finalizing Tour Details and Proofreading

Only fifteen days until At Her Fingertips releases. Am I nervous? No, not at all! Why would you ask such a silly question? Okay, I’ll admit I’m a little scared. Partially because of the fact that people will be able to purchase my baby … and partially because I have a lot to do in […]

How to Push Through a First Draft

I think we’ve already established that writing a first draft can be hard. There is beauty in it … but also great evil.* Okay, “great evil” may be overdoing it, but it’s definitely very difficult. The first draft is the point at which most authors give up on their story. They just stop writing, and another […]

Five Reasons You Should Outline

Outlining is time-consuming. If you do it in any depth, it’s pretty difficult … but is it worth it? Why not just skip the extra step completely and move on to the actual writing – that’s what you’re here for, after all, isn’t it? In this post, I’ll be “outlining” (couldn’t resist) my top ten […]

February 2018 Dares

Guess what? It’s already the last day of January! Isn’t that beyond unbelievable? Why, I remember December 31st like it was yesterday. *ripple dissolve* Seriously, though, folks. I’m excited for February!* I don’t have a lot of great plans for the month, but I’m glad to be starting anew. A lot of things about January […]

Writing About Children

Just the other day, I was scrolling through social media, and I saw a post mentioning that it’s very hard to write children. I skimmed past quickly. It’s not fun to be the only one not in pain. Because … to me, writing children is not hard. In fact, it’s a lot easier than writing […]