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NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #2

The first five times (yes, five!) times I wrote the title, I wrote ‘NaNoWriMo 2016 Updated #2.’ Consider yourself updated. *sports reference* *confirmation of points received* Yep. My fingers type with no regard to my brain sometimes … Back to our regularly scheduled programming, my word count has now reached 28o46 words. Some days I write more, […]

NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #1

At 14,588 words, I’m pretty proud with what I’ve accomplished this November so far. I think I could have done more … but there have been distractions. School, visiting siblings, an early Thanksgiving dinner, realizing that I haven’t touched my guitar in months and that the only song I practiced this year on my clarinet […]

Plotting Crash Course: The Day Before NaNo and Dares

Okay, let me start out this post with saying I will only be posting sporadically throughout November. I plan to give you a general update one a week – I’m thinking Mondays or Thursdays. I’m also planning to reblog the two posts I’ll be making on Send the Light (we finally got organized thanks to […]

Plotting Crash Course, Day Three: A New Book and a Perfect Review

This has been very much so a crash course … even more so than expected! I’ve done about a quarter of the posts about this as I expected to (but, to be fair, I intended to start in September and then stuff happened … blog parties, deciding to publish a book I had no intention […]

Plotting Crash Course, Day 2: Character Sheets and Aesthetics

Today we’ll be talking about character sheets and novel aesthetics, because I started developing a playlist today, got excited about it, and need to share it with you. Let’s start out with character sheets. Now, everyone has their own version of the character sheets, and you can find about a thousand, all relatively good, by […]

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programing …

… to bring you a special news bulletin! First, I just had a mental block and couldn’t figure out how to spell ‘bulletin’ for, like, five minutes. Which is weird because I’m usually a pretty good speller … Second (and more importantly), I just finished writing Ivy Introspective! I know! It’s so exciting! Yes, I […]

September Character Studies: Celebrations

You may not have noticed, but I was too busy to do last month’s character study, so I’m doing it today. 🙂 There are ten questions here. You can also find them on Morgan Dusky’s amazing blog, Studies in Character. Remember to check them out and perhaps do them yourself! The theme this month is ‘celebrations […]

Set-Up for the Plotting Crash Course

(WARNING: Spoilers for The Dressmaker’s Secret. May also be minor spoilers for Ivy Introspective. And possibly for At Her Fingertips, though I’m doing the best I can to make sure they stay out! If you see one that shocks you, give me a good yelling at.) A few things you ought to know before you […]

Dares for October 2016

Well. I can’t believe September is over already! That went by in the flash. 😛 Well, let’s see how I did this September! 🙂 Dares for September 2016 Reading Read five books. Check! I think I read … eight? And those are only the ones I remembered to mark on Goodreads … that weren’t for […]

Feeling vs. Thinking in Writing

I know, I know! A Step-by-Step Guide to Publishing with Createspace for Intelligent People (Part 2) was supposed to be posted today. But … too lazy and too enthused about this new idea (which, disclaimer, I got from the book Writing With Power by Peter Elbow. I’ve only read the first chapter, but I’m smart enough to […]

On Sprinters, Elections, and NaNo

First, I just want to say I’m amazed by the amount of support I got when publishing The Lady of the Vineyard. Thank you all a million times! I hope I’ll be there for you in the same way if you ever publish (or when you do again). Okay now … let’s do ’em in […]