A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Five Fall Favorites, Day 3: Biography and Fantasy

by Kellyn Roth |
September 28, 2016


Hosted by http://readanotherpage.com/blog

Welcome to day 3! *crunches on a crispy apple* Today I’m gonna be telling you about my Top 5 Biographies and Fantasies.
… like people actually read biographies for enjoyment … *chuckles* *realizes I know people who do* *is confused*
Remember to visit the other blogs that are a part of the party and comment, comment, comment to win the daily door prize, and go to Rebekah Morris’s blog to get a chance to win the grand prize!


My beautiful slide-show of blogs:


(Yes, I did cheat a little … a lot … but I don’t have any favorite biographies! I have literally never, ever read a biographyΒ that wasn’t for school!)


Bound for Oregon by Jean Van Leeuwen

One of the main reasons I love this book is because my grandma bought it for me while we were on vacation. πŸ˜› It’s a pretty good story, though.


Adam and His Kin by Ruth Beechick

This is a simply fantastic book! It may not all be true, but it makes total sense to me.


The Story of Liberty by Charles Carleton Coffin

I’m reading this for school, and … yeah. I ran out of ideas for biographies! It is really good, though …


Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

I love this play. So many great lines. It’s my favorite of Shakespeare’s histories. (My favorite of his comedies is Much Ado About Nothing … I haven’t read a ton of his plays, though.)


Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne

What? You don’t believe Winnie-the-Pooh actually happened?!?!?!? *shocked* Well, Christopher Robin was a real person, at least. *is suddenly curious about what happened to Christopher Robin*

Christopher Robin Milne.jpg


He died when he was 75 at the age of 1996.

Hmm … according to Wikipedia, he resented the fame he’d gained from his father’s books … kids used to tease him in school. They were just jealous.


He failed the health test in WW2? What??? Poor guy.

Hey, he’s just five years older than my Ruby! And he’s like, Ruby’s idol. πŸ™‚ Ooh, this scene (or something like it) has been running through my head for months! It’s awfully cheesy (and incredibly rough, and I’ll never use it …), but I’ll type it up for you anyway. πŸ™‚

Ruby was surprised to receive a letter in the mail from her father one day in early April. I thought he would be angry, she mentally remarked as she tore it open and pulled out the single sheet of paper.

Dear Gem, your mother made me promise her again and again not to write to you, toΒ let youΒ come back to us instead of dragging,Β but I’m only human, and I must write. You’re my sweetheart, aren’t you? And does a man’s sweetheart run off to war without even telling to him? I should say she doesn’t. Especially when the man is too old and decrepit to follow her. It’s simply not done, honey

“Now that I’ve given you all the scolding I can on paper, I want to say that you’ve broken your mother’s heart as much the heart of a woman like your mother can be broken. You know how I feel about emotions, my second Ruby, and she’s swamped with them. It’s annoying. I wish you wouldn’t do things that drove her to act like that.

“It wouldn’t be so bad if it were just keeping her supplied with handkerchiefs, but it’s worse than that! All she does is talk about ‘when Gem was a baby’ and how awful we were to leave you with Uncle Jim (who is in the doghouse, by the way) for so long … oh, and she’s taken to reading A.A. Milne every night … and I mean all night. You know I can’t sleep in a lighted room. My nerves are slowly being ground away.

Well, that’s all I have to say. Just write to the nuisance and tell her you’ve taken an interested in something that bores her so I can reach over and turn off the light after she’s asleep.

Your father, Colin R. Farjon

“Gosh,” Ruby whispered. “I … I guess I do matterΒ to them.”

Folding the letter, Ruby ran to Margie toΒ ask her to fill in for her for a bit (“Are you joking?” Margie asked incredulouslyΒ before agreeing to “hold down the fort” – which basically meant distract the new, less-lenient chief nurse- if it weren’t more than five minutes).

Laying on her cot, Ruby scribbled these lines.

“Daddy, my darling, I’m awfully sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt either you or Momma. I hope you’ll both forgive me, and that when this is all over, I can come home from you I love you with all my heart. Your sweetheart forever, Ruby Ellen Farjon”


(I love fantasy, especially fairy-tale-based fantasy!)


The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge

This is simply the best book ever! You should get a copy. It’s amazing. GO BUY A COPY NOW!!! It’s so beautiful and wonderful! So picturesque. And sweet, too. <3


The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

This is also a gorgeous book! And the magic feels so real … it’s as if it could really happen!


The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

I feel like I have to say this one or else be shot repeatedlyΒ by my friends… but it really is a great story!


The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

Of course this is amongst my favorite! When I was little, I used to think I was Lucy … I always fantasized about being her. πŸ™‚


The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Andrews Edwards

This is such a sweet idea … I want for there to be a Whangdoodleland almost as much (if not more) than I want there to be a Narnia!

Now, it’s time to announce what room I am today!


That’s right! Today I’m passing out free e-apples. And I don’t mean the electronic company! XD
Au revoir,
~Kellyn Roth

What do you think of my thoughts?

42 Responses

  1. Amazing post! I love Narnia too! (Lucy is great!) I’m actually joining a literary writing competition, and my idea for my short story is to write an Allegory (I got that idea from the Narnia books actually). For those who don’t understand, and Allegory is a story/poem that has a hidden meaning.
    Thanks for the post!

    1. Yep, my novel ‘Caught in the Spell’ is kind of an allegory, but it focuses more on the characters than anything that happens outwardly, I think … I haven’t written it all yet, so it’s up in the air. πŸ˜€

  2. Aww, you mean we have to have actual apples? But I wanted the company!!!!! πŸ˜‰
    I agree with Rebekah, you need to try the YWAM biographies. They’re amazing!! And Narniaaa!! I love Narnia!

  3. I second (wait, I third?) the vote for you to read YWAM biographies. They are wonderful! I added multiple fantasy books to my TBR list. Fantasy=my top favorite genre. πŸ™‚ The Hobbit and Narnia are so good! (I’m actually reading The Fellowship of the Ring.)

  4. I didn’t realize Christopher Robin was a real person! I guess you learn something new when you read Kellyn Roth’s blog. πŸ˜€

  5. WOW … The Christopher Robin thing … *snods* And the Ruby … THE FEELS, GIRL, THE FEELS!!! I DIDN’T EVEN REALIZE I’D BECOME SO ATTACHED TO THE CHARACTERS!!! I HAVEN’T EVEN READ MUCH OF VMV! *stops yelling* *apologies for yelling*
    I really want to read the Goose Girl, but I’d have to get it on hold and I’m too lazy. XD I’ll do that sooner or later. (maybe) (probably) (kinda) (yep) (im good) (imma back away now) (im in a weird mood) (snods)

  6. I’m not much into fantasy, but I love biographies! (No offense, fantasies are actually really cool; I just never got into them. :D) And Christopher Robin was a real person! That’s awesomely cool. πŸ˜›

  7. Hehehe… I must say, Kellyn, you have the most unique posts in this blog party. I love how you scatter random comments in between… it almost made me lol. πŸ˜€
    Great post! πŸ™‚

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