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A Lot (and I mean a lot) of Blog Tags

January 2017 Blog Tag Catch-Up Day Just so you know, I’ll be nominating a lot of people (or as many as I can think of) at the end of this post. Thanks Abigail @ The Freckles Fashonista for nominating me! <3 -Rules- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. […]

January 2017 Spotlight: Yet Another Peek into the Workings of At Her Fingertips

Another spotlight is upon us, and today I’m going to veer into uncharted waters with a discussion about The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 3: At Her Fingertips. What? you say. You’ve posted thousands of excerpts and quotes and made us read through post upon post about every stage of your outlining and writing process! […]

In Which I Humiliate Myself

Since you all seem to like me, I decided that should change. How am I going to go about changing that? Well, I’m going to post a lot of random excerpts from books I wrote … years ago. For this, I have to go here: Yep. The file folder “No Longer in Use.” *lightning, thunder, […]

The Innocent by Willowy Whisper

Title: The Innocent Author: Willowy Whisper Series: Hills of Innocence, #1 Genre: Historical Mystery/Romance Era: probably late 1800s (Old West) Setting: the Old West Publisher: Willowy Whisper Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Overall Rating: 4/5 The Innocent by Willowy Whisper “I wonder who would shoot a girl so young…?” The question haunted […]

January 2017 Dares (and New Year’s Resolutions)

Wow. Can you believe that it’s 2017? I sure can’t. I mean, I can believe that it’s 2017 … I’m not, like, doubting its existence or anything, but … wow! 2016 was such an amazing year! Almost nothing went wrong. Almost everything went right. But now we’ve got to move on to a new year. […]