That’s right! For Valentine’s Day, we (meaning me and several other Indie authors) are offering several free and discounted ebooks (February 14th-15th). Special thanks for Amanda Tero for putting this all together!
Among these books are The Dressmaker’s Secret and The Lady of the Vineyard (both free today and tomorrow). Hopefully you all will be able to snag a copy! (If you do, tell me what you think! Authors are always wondering if their books are any good.)
But … my books aren’t the only one sale/discounted! Be sure to check out these books from some of my favorite authors as well as several I myself have never read – but am looking forward to!
Free eBooks
- Poison Kiss by Kendra E. Arnek
This looks like a neat novella! I have yet to read it, but it’s tucked away on my Kindle. Can’t wait until I have a moment to read it!
- Forget Not by Rebekah A. Morris
I haven’t read this one yet, but it looks like a sweet short story!
- The Dressmaker’s Secret by Kellyn Roth
(you should definitely grab this one …)
You know this one. You can read more about it here.
- The Lady of the Vineyard by Kellyn Roth
(and this one …)
Another familiar title, right? You can read more about it here.
- Coffee Cake Days by Amanda Tero
A sweet little short story. I’ve read it, and I really enjoyed it!
$0.99 eBooks
- Water Princess, Fire Princess by Kendra E. Arnek
This one looks exciting! And the cover is awesome. <3
- Finding Joy by Rebekah A. Morris
I’ve been eyeballing this story for a while, and I think I might just pick up a copy for myself today! Looks really good.
- Gift from the Storm by Rebekah A. Morris
Everyone has been raving about this one … why not? *needs more books*
- The Fragrance of Geraniums by Alicia G. Ruggieri
1934?!?!? I NEED THIS.
- Befriending the Beast by Amanda Tero
I love this one. <3 I was given the honor of beta-reading, and I’ve adored it ever since!
- Journey to Love by Amanda Tero
When I read this a couple years back, I could honestly say it changed my life. It really made me think differently about God.
- A Question of Honor by Jesseca Wheaton
AAAAAAH I LOVE THIS BOOK SOOOO MUCH I CAN NOT EVEN EXPRESS. *coughs* *clears throat* It’s quite good. (ALSO: my paperback copy is prettier than yours. *makes no sense*)
- Beyond the Horizon by Jesseca Wheaton
Another great story. <3
$1.99 eBooks
- Lady Dragon, Tela Du by Kendra E. Ardnek
What is it with Kendra and the super awesome covers?! Because her covers know how to rock it.
- All Our Empty Places by Alicia G. Ruggieri
More 1930s? *is so tempted to waste all my money* I mean, it wouldn’t be WASTING, exactly … right? Books are never a waste of money. In fact, I’d be getting hours of wondrous entertainment. Soooo …? Win-win?
- A Love to Come Home To by Alicia G. Ruggieri
The covers are also pretty. I love red and black …
- The House of Mercy by Alicia G. Ruggieri
Okay, this looks super cool! It’s all medieval-y!
- The Secret Slipper by Amanda Tero
Another book I really love! It’s super special because it’s a retelling of Cinderella (one of my favorites) with a father/daughter relationship.
$2.99 eBooks
- Finding Mera by Elizabeth D. Marie
Readers have described the author as a “C.S. Lewis of today.” Need I say more? (But really, it looks quite interesting!)
$3.99 eBooks
- A Time of Grace 3-in-1 by Alicia G. Ruggieri
Might just buy this. Because I plainly need all three.
25% off paperback
- Dandelion Dust by Faith Potts
THIS BOOK. It’s very emotional. (You should buy it.)
You might have noticed a couple books I have raved about here and on Reveries Reviews in that lineup. I’ve read several, and the ones I haven’t read look amazing, sooo … you should definitely chase the links and start buying!
Some Updates
I missed a post this Saturday. Friday night, I hadn’t come up with anything and words weren’t flowing in an orderly manner, so I just gave it up!
This Saturday, a different kind of post is coming.
I decided to write a post about why fictional stories are important … but I realize it was too big a topic for me!
You see, I’m a huge bookworm, but my experience with books is limited to just that – my experience! To fully capture why novels are important in this world, I need to show not just my experiences, but those of others.
So … I have a form for contributors to fill out! It will be open until tomorrow evening. I’m basically just asking me to tell you how fictional stories/novels have helped you in your life, what they mean to you, or why you think they’re important.
If you wish, you will be fully credited for your contribution. You may add multiple social media or blog/website links to the “link” section if you wish. Or you may remain anonymous. The choice is yours!
Happy St. Valentine’s Day!
~Kellyn Roth~
29 Responses
OH MY WORD!!!! BOOKS! This is literally the best Valentine’s Day gift ever. *immediately starts pounding the links*
I am just so over the moon right now, I can’t even… XD
<3 I'm so glad you could check them out, Smudge!
Some of them look sooo great! When I saw what books were gonna be on sale, I was just like, "SQUEEEE YESSSSS!!!"
I….am an idiot. I wasn’t able to get to them on Valentine’s day, and so when I saw that they were available on the 15th, too, I was really happy.

And then I forgot to get them on the 15th.
I am simultaneously unsurprised and very upset with myself…
But YES! These books look fantastic, so I’m going to be adding these to my Goodreads so that I SHALL NEVER FORGET THEM EVER AGAIN, UGH.
Oh, well! Perhaps we’ll have another sell sometime soon … I hope so!
BUT … I have so done this. XD
I hope so!!! I feel like such a loser. XD OH MY WORD, YOU HAVE??? I’m not the only one??? This is honestly such a relief, you have no idea. XD But still. It feels terrible. XD *is laughing through my tears*
Awww, I’m sorry! But nah, you’re not alone. I’ve totally missed sales and discounts and all sorts of things — even at bookstores and such. *huffs*
Ugh, isn’t it the worst?? But I guess there will always be more sales on more books later, so there’s always that… XD
Yes, that’s true! Generally, books go on sale every once in a while …
EEEP. *is hopeful*
Thanks for sharing this, Kell! So much book love today.
You’re very welcome! Thanks for sharing it yourself.
Yes, it’s wonderful! <3
Thanks for sharing! I snatched up some of the free ones.
Yay, I’m glad!
Hooray for book sales!
*dances and applauds and jumps up and down with excitement*
Thanks Kellyn! Great post!
Thank you, Amanda!
Hey Kellyn! This is super fun! Thank you for sharing this.
You can find the Questions here:
I don’t have a copy of “A Question of Honor” yet but it WILL be prettier than yours!
I’m gonna read The Lady of the Vineyard finally!
I tag you for the The Literary Dinner Party Tag.
NO IT WILL NOT. Mine will always be prettier. *puts my copy up on a pedestal* *shines light on it* *opens a museum in its honor* *pouts when no one comes*
Yay, I’m so glad! I hope you enjoy it! *very tempted to hide it from you* #authorsinsecureprobs
Thank you! I’m going to try to remember! *saves the link*
*wastes all my money* YOU ARE SO AWESOME, KELL!! I need more paperback books, but this is still so awesome! Happy Valentines Day! <3
I just wasted a ton of money, too. *facepalm* I also need more paperback books! I’m thinking I need to start a fund or something … like a penny jar except I never seem to have pennies … but maybe I would if I had a penny jar with which to buy books!
Happy Valentines Day to you, too! <3
Haha XD I’m pretty sure I missed most of the sales though, so I backed out on wasting all my money.
Haha yes!
Good for you!
Thank you for sharing the giveaway!
I got all the free ones and then I also bought A Question of Honor because I’ve been wanting to try it ever since you said you loved it so much!
I’m glad! You’ll have to let me know what you think about that one … as you know, I really love it!
You’re quite welcome. 
Aww man I missed it I would have gotten ALL OF THEM.
Ooh, I can’t wait for the special post!
Too bad! And … the special post is now up!