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Welcome to Reveries (Giveaway + Blog Tour)!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s finally happened! Reveries has moved to a self-hosted blog, and here we are! Whether you’re an old follower or a new one, I’m so excited to have you here. Some things are changing … but don’t worry! It’ll be the same old posts from the same old me (no, I […]

I Don’t Dance by Jesseca Wheaton (Blog Tour)

Title: I Don’t Dance Author: Jesseca Wheaton Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance Setting: Southern United States Publisher: Jesseca Wheaton Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Overall Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Blog Tour: Kiera by Kate Willis

Hello ladies and gents! My friend Kate Willis is publishing a book! It’s called “Kiera,” and it’s a futuristic Christian fiction story with a sweet romance thrown in. To celebrate this release, I get to interview one of the characters from Kiera; the title character’s best friend, Destiny. Destiny is one of the best characters […]

The Thief, The Damsel, and The Dragon: Cover Reveal!

Hello ladies and gents! I know, I’m supposed to be moving blogs soon. And we will be! Shortly. 😉 First, I want to introduce you to a dear writer friend of mine … who is soon to be a published author of a book whose cover we’re revealing today! (If you skip the next part […]

Quest for Leviathan by Amanda Tero

Title: Quest for Leviathan Author: Amanda Tero Genre: Historical Fiction Era: Biblical – Time of Job Publisher: Amanda Tero Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Overall Rating: 5/5 stars