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We’re Having an Event

by Kellyn Roth |
August 27, 2018

Goldfish Secrets is launching and Flowers is getting a paperback version! This is happening on the 10th of September. Soooo … obviously we gotta celebrate, right?

THE ANSWER IS “RIGHT,” Y’ALL. (Sorry for giving that away before you had a chance to think about it.) We are gonna celebrate like mad.

Well … more like I’ve got a bit of an exclusive club to invite you to. BUT … read on, because this is something pretty much everyone will be able to participate in!

Now, for this launch, I’m doing something different. Since I’m releasing a short story that is less than 2,000 words (e.g. about ten pages), it’s not a long or tough read.

SO … I’ve decided to make a goal of 50 reviewers for this little story! How can you help? Well, become one of the reviewers!


See more in the FAQ below, but here’s the basic deets:

  1. I will send ARCs to these reviewers.
  2. Reviewers will read and review the book (and it’s really a 10-minute read and I’m not asking more than a paragraph, so not a huge obligation).
  3. All the reviewers will be entered into a giveaway to win a pretty mug.
  4. All the reviewers will be able to win other prizes.

And the before-mentioned frequently-asked-questions …


Can Goldfish Secrets be a standalone?

It is the prequel to The Lady of the Vineyard, but it can definitely be read without prior knowledge of the characters or plot.

That’s what prequels are for, after all!

Is there a review deadline?

Yes, actually … the goal is to get the reviews out on or a week after the release date. If this can’t happen, then by the end of September will suffice.

Ooh, what kinds of prizes?

Special features, ebooks, bookmarks, journals … a limited-edition not-available-anywhere-else-for-now paperback collection with Goldfish Secrets, The Lady of the Vineyard, and Flowers.

First draft, of course, but that’s the general idea. (Let me know what you think in the comments!) It’s quite reminiscent of my original cover design, actually, back in summer 2016. 😉

How will ARC team members earn prizes?

They’ll be entered into a giveaway for the mug automatically and can earn “points” towards the other prizes by posting on social media prizes and other similar tasks.

It’s going to be awesome!

And, though I didn’t focus on it a ton, Flowers is also getting a paperback copy! It’s quite the lovely little thing!

I’ll share pictures of the proof copy at some point, though I’m not quite there yet. It’s coming in the next couple days.

Annnd … more updates will follow soon! But that’s going to have to be enough for now.

Quick Writing Conference Updates

I went to the Oregon Christian Writer‘s conference last Monday with my friend Ivy Rose.

On Tuesday, my grandpa had a stroke, and I left the conference and ran home to be with my family.

Thankfully, my grandpa is feeling much better now, though we could still use your prayers.

However, I will eventually post about the evening and morning of the conference that I did attend, so never fear!


~Kellyn Roth~

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Did you join the ARC team? If so, are you excited for all the prizes? What do you think of the full cover for my TLOTV collection? Any changes to suggest? (By the way, if you want a paperback copy of all three stories, let me know … they cost $12.99, including shipping/taxes, and are limited editions.)

And, of course, how has your day been going??!!

What do you think of my thoughts?

18 Responses

  1. YAY!!! I suppose I have time for reviewing a short story… XD I think I’ll end up signing up, looks like fun! 🙂
    Oh no! I’m praying for your family right now, Kell! 🙁
    And I love the cover to the Lady of the Vineyard collection!!! It looks so good!! 😀

  2. I signed up. Yay, prizes! The cover looks great and definitely captures the vineyard theme well. 🙂 So glad your grandpa is feeling better! I remember how scary it was when my Grammy had a stroke several years ago, but she recovered well. I’m praying your grandpa will recover well, too.

What do you think of my thoughts?

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