A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Giveaways & Wrapups & the Future, Oh My!

by Kellyn Roth |
May 11, 2019

Ready for the future? I’m not. *has no plans for anything past next month* But this post is about the plans for future books, publications, etc. – and it has signups for ARCs, blog tours, and all of that stuff!

Also, I want to talk about The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy – and what my plans are for it now that I’ve actually taken the plunge and removed it from Amazon!

So yep. Packed post, so let’s just dive in!

A Reminder of What Souls Astray Is About

Adele has been lost for a long time now …

Adele Collier has sought a carefree lifestyle ever since her tragic childhood. Determined to never allow anyone or anything to control her life or emotions again, she consistently seeks distraction in gaiety. But shaking her ghosts isn’t as easy as she’d like.

Troy Kee has been alone in the world since the Great War took his parents and left him in care of his younger sister. When she marries, he’s left to seek after his goal of a healthy, complete family. But how can he focus on his dream when trouble plagues his family vineyard?

When Adele and Troy meet, a whirlwind romance begins—but can two lost souls have a healthy relationship?

Amazon ~ Goodreads ~ A Special Review Defining the Content Level ~ My Website

Giveaway Wrapup

And now, the winner of a signed paperback copy of Souls Astray and a $20 Amazon gift card is …

The Winner is … Kaylee!

By the way, Kaylee won by giving a hug. Wow! That makes me happy.

YAY! I’m so glad!

Future Plans for Kees & Colliers


The future of the Kees & Colliers series isn’t very far into the future! The Lady of the Vineyard releases June 1st, Flowers in Her Heart releases July 6th, and From Now ‘Til Forever releases August 3rd.

Sign up to read The Lady of the Vineyard

Click here to receive an eARC for TLOTV in exchange for review!

Sign up for the Kees & Colliers Blog Tour

Join the blog tour for the Kees & Colliers series – July 1st through August 8th! Simply pick a week you could get your post out by and choose your own date. I’ll wrap up the posts of that week afterwards.

Click here to sign up!

Future Plans for The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy

I removed all the books in the series from Amazon for a bit. I’m rewriting The Dressmaker’s Secret and Ivy Introspective, and the whole series is getting new covers!

I don’t want to give away it all at once, but I’m hoping to have them all back up this autumn and be able to release a couple short stories, too. And then we’re on to book 6!

By the way, the covers are AMAZING, and I’m so excited to share them with you! I’m working with a new designer who is just beyond amazing.


~Kellyn Roth~

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What are you working on? Tell me about your current projects! Are you excited for the Kees & Colliers series? What about the new version of The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy? How has your weekend been so far?

What do you think of my thoughts?

17 Responses

  1. Ooh, sounds great! Congratulations Kaylee!! My current project?! Two broken soldiers, a fallen brother, a teenage daughter…broken dreams, secrets, and a search for answers…and a three-legged dog.
    I…just wrote a partial synopsis on the fly. *runs to update my WIP page*

  2. Cg Kaylee!!! My current project is a short story based off of a writing prompt 😀 Ahh I am beyond excited for all the rest of the Kees and Colliers series to be released! Super excited for the new version of the Kees and Colliers series as well, although I never did get time to read the first version 🙁 Hehh, my weekend has been good, but extremely exhausting. I put 9 hrs into a bday party, 9 hrs prepping (piano pieces) for and going to a visitation and funeral, 4 hrs into drama rehearsals, and the rest of the time into sleeping and madly scrambling to complete assignments. Fun times. How was yours?

  3. Congratulations on another published work! I can tell you’ve been working hard on all of this! 😀 I’m looking forward to seeing the new covers for Alice and Ivy.
    I’m currently working on the second book in my new fantasy series. It’s a lot of fun; the characters all react so well together. XD

    1. Thank you! 😀 Yes, I have been working hard on it – always fun but a little stressful. 😉 Aw, thanks!

      Ooh, interesting! What’s the fantasy series about? I love when you’re working on the next book … first book is amazing, but then you start working on book 2, and it’s like ……. this is real!

      1. I definitely understand that! It’s amazing how something so enjoyable can be so stressful…
        The series is about a world of five kingdoms, and in the first book, the five kings set out on a quest to kill a dragon. In the second book, a new enemy has arrived, and he wants to kill all the kings. That’s a horrible plot summary, but I’m having so much fun writing it!

  4. That sounds amazing Kellyn and I think that the covers for the Alice and Ivy series will be amazing, as usual.

    I am currently working on trying to finish outlining my chapters for my first book so that I can then go ahead and start handwriting my first draft; prayerfully by the end of the summer.

  5. Yay!!! I signed up for the blog tour AND the review!!! ^^ So excited!!!

    Oh gee…what am I working on?? Too many things. xD I’m currently waiting for our new harddrive to arrive so I can start going through edits and getting Death Valley (my historical fiction) sent out to alphas. And I am in the motions of writing a Vietnam Biography for our neighbor right now as well. I’m also plotting Gold Fever (The second book in the Tindra Ranch Chronicles. DV is the first.), Mindspeech (It used to be a standalone, but after I roughly plotted it last night I realized I would need two books. xD It’s a fantasy.), and my grandpa’s biography. As you can see, I’m a fairly diverse writer.

    YESSS!!! So excited!!!!

    Your previous covers for The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy were gorgeous, so I bet your new ones will be DROP DEAD gorgeous!!!!!

    My weekend has been crazy busy. Thankfully, I’m starting to figure out how to juggle writing/horses/work/family etc now that I have a job. xD

    Oh, congratulations, Kaylee!!!! Lucky girl!! ^^

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) | lilycatscountrygirlconfessions.blogspot.com

    1. WOW! YOU ARE WORKING ON A LOT! Way to go, girl!! I’m proud.

      Thanks for signing up!

      Yesssss, they are AMAZING! And genre-appropriate, which was a big deal for me. 😛

      Ahh, wow! Yeah, it’s tough. I’m still figuring out how to juggle my time, lol!

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