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After Our Castle is Launched (+ ENTER THE GIVEAWAY!!!)

by Kellyn Roth |
October 18, 2022

Today I’m going to share an Instagram post I shared this Monday because I really liked it.

The day after launch day is always a good day to reflect.

To think back on previous books in the series and to wonder.

What was, what is, and what could have been.

I like to stare at old books and sip tea and wear fuzzy socks and think, because that’s the best way to think, when you are cozy and surrounded by what you love and properly mood-ed for the situation at hand.

Perhaps I can even pretend I am one of my characters, preparing for a big decision or dealing with a past trauma … and because my characters’ eyes must inevitably fall on God, so do mine.

Do you know how characters encourage their authors? You must live what you write. You must, or it will sound hollow … you must, or your promises are nothing … you must, or in the end, what did you do it for in the first place?

Live what you write, folks.

For me, that’s not an easy path. Sometimes, when I reread my writing and wonder how I am not there yet, despite the fact that, well, I wrote the book, I think, “God, why did you let me write this?”

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps it’s not any good. It can’t all really be true or I would have been living it already. The contentment, the submission, the joy. Yet I’m not there.

Will I ever be?

Then I turn back to God and I say, “Well, You let me write the book. And I don’t know what to do. However, let me ask You, as ever, what am I supposed to be doing?”

Not, “What am I supposed to do?!” in accusation. But a request in submission and humility. For I do not know.

Maybe I don’t need to know. I keep sipping my tea and I keep thinking.

All will be well.

Anyways, the book is out, and I’m so happy about that.

Let’s talk about blog posts.


And they lived … well, happily ever after.

A year into a blissfully happy marriage, Violet Angel admits to a dose of skepticism. She’s not married, granted—but as the closest friend of the bride and groom, she feels she has a perspective no one but the people directly involved could have. There’s no such thing as a happy ending, and it’s only a matter of time before the castle in the sky plummets to earth.

If only Violet were always wrong instead of just mostly wrong. Ivy McAllen doesn’t believe she and her new husband are out of the honeymoon period—if they are, she isn’t going to admit it to herself—but there are certainly areas of adjustment that she hadn’t expected.

Changes at the village of Keefmore and in Ivy’s life lead to complications, and Violet spirals further and further from reality. When a castle in the sky turns out to be more cloud than stronghold, finding a foothold proves more than a little difficult.

Amazon ~ Goodreads


Wednesday, October 12th

Kickoff by Kellyn Roth @ Lilacs and Reveries

Book Spotlight by Ryana Lynn @ Life of Heritage Corner

Book Spotlight by Kristina Hall

Thursday, October 13th

Author Interview by M.C. Kennedy @ Graceful Reflections

Friday, October 14th

Book Spotlight by Jana T. @ Reviews from the Stacks

Saturday, October 15th (RELEASE DAY!)

Launch Day Celebration by Kellyn Roth @ Lilacs and Reveries

Book Spotlight by Emma @ The Book Dragon’s Alcove

Sunday, October 16th

Review by Hannah Martin @ Precious Book Stacks

Monday, October 17th

Review by Joy C. Woodbury @ Discipleship with Joy

Tuesday, October 18th

Review by Katja L. @ Old-Fashioned Book Love

Wednesday, October 19th

A Post About The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy by Kellyn Roth @ Lilacs and Reveries

Thursday, October 20th

Book Spotlight by Grace A. Johnson @ Of Blades and Thorns

Friday, October 21st

Review by Vanessa Hall

Saturday, October 22nd

Review by Hannah Killian @ The Writerly Worm

Wrapup (which will publish in the evening!) by Kellyn Roth @ Lilacs and Reveries

I’d also like to announce:

After Our Castle: Celebrate Lit Tour





Have you read any of this series? Are you enjoying it? What are your thoughts on long series? (I’m a fan, obviously!)

What do you think of my thoughts?

5 Responses

  1. Congratulations on the launch! I, like you, am necessarily a fan of long series’, although it does hurt the wallet of the devoted reader. 😉 I think, if one writes realistically, characters easily are written into multiple books with differing plots, because that’s how life is. People live a lifetime of plots and (hopefully) development, so when we fully develop a character, we see possibilities for so much material.

    CutePolarBear/Hanna Kraft

    1. I hear you! I was one of those kids who had to own all the books in a series, but the Boxcar Children and Elsie Dinsmore series broke me, so like … I know well the struggle. (I did make sure I got all the Betsy-Tacy books, but that’s a shorter series, comparatively.)

      I’m with you there! That’s why I always feel so betrayed by “family sagas” that are like three books long. There’s not enough time to develop a life that way!

What do you think of my thoughts?

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