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Feeling 22 & Other Miscellaneous Updates on My Life

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted something just about me. Oddly enough, I don’t really feel like I’m in a good mood to do that with any reasonability 90% of the time, and even if I am, I’m too busy to do so. It feels so much more pressing to post about […]

Springtime in Surrey Blog Tour Wrapup

Hey folks! I’m somewhat late to a very important date, but I decided what time like the present to share a complete wrapup to the Springtime in Surrey launch tour! We’re still working on promoting this book, so let me know if you’d like to help … we’re always looking for opportunities.  I’ll share more […]

Sign Up to Support Like a Ship on the Sea

Hey folks! As you know, Like a Ship on the Sea is coming to theaters a book seller near you in a little over a month, and I want to make sure that YOU have an opportunity to … help me. I’m becoming my dad, who always says things like, “Would you like an opportunity […]