5 Myths About Writing Debunked
There are a lot of myths about writing out there. It’s important for us to be aware of them … and to move on. So let’s debunk those myths! Sidenote: a lot of these are myths for a good reason! Writing has changed over the years. Back in ye olden days, it was quite a […]
5 Things to Do Before Summer’s Over
The way I see it, we still have one week of summer left. And a week is enough time to do something. Do something big. Do something amazing. Now, some of you may already finished your summers by starting school (*hisses*) or you may have graduated and therefore have a normal life in which summer […]
Review of Rhododendron, Oregon Area
Hello everyone! Today I’m writing a review of the Rhododendron, Oregon Area – and more specifically of my birthday trip there just last week. My friends and I had an amazing time – but of course that doesn’t mean we can’t critique. I’m going to tear this trip apart in a very serious, very honest […]
The Divided Nation by Angela R. Watts (Blog Tour and Giveaway)
The Divided Nation by Angela R. Watts released several days ago, and I’m so excited to be sharing my review as well as the giveaway + blog tour schedule. I got one of the last slots on the tour, so that means you get to look back on all the other awesome posts + take […]
Why I Chose Indie Publishing {Guest Post by Jenna Terese}
Today we have a guest poster talking about something very near and dear to my heart … why she chose indie publishing! Jenna Terese is listing pros & cons of self- and traditional publishing as well as her personal reasons for the decision. Meanwhile, I’m up on Mt. Hood. I mean … *glances at watch* […]
The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour Wrapup
Are you as ready for the Kees & Colliers blog tour wrapup as I am? I mean … a part of me wants it to go on and on, but it can’t. So. WRAPUP! Sidenote: it’s my birthday! So other than today we’re going to have prescheduled posts this week. (BIRTHDAAAYYY TRIPPP!!! Also, do y’all […]
You’re Not as Think as You Awkward You Are {a letter to young teens}
Dear teen, I want to tell you something not a lot of people will, but something you need to hear nonetheless – You are not as awkward as you think you are. Let me elaborate.
10K 1Day (how did I do that again?)
Hello folks! Kell here. At the beginning of July, I wrote 10,000 words in one day (10k 1Day). I wanted to do this several times this month, but so far I’ve only accomplished it once. Still, that’s good as I have never written 10k in a 1 day except during NaNoWriMo (the main event not […]
3 Big Mistakes I Made Online
Shutting your mouth is hard, but keeping your fingers from typing and posting comments is even harder. When I first got started on the internet, I was befuddled and immature … and I made a bunch of mistakes. Most of this happened in the dark days before Reveries, before I published books, and even before […]
Blog Tour Posts for Kees & Colliers Once Again
Some more blog tour posts? you say. That’ll be boring, you say. WELL, THINK AGAIN, BECAUSE SOME OF MY FAVORITE POSTS ARE INCLUDED, MATE! Really, though, this post can serve other purposes. For instance, it can remind you to ENTER THE AWESOME GIVEAWAY or simply check out my books, if that’s your thing. 😏😝 So […]
The Reveries Redirection {Once Again}
“The Reveries Redirection,” you say. “Once again,” you say. “What da heck is going on with Kell,” you say. You may say all these things, but if you want answers, read this post. Okay, that was a dumb gimmick. Basically, I have some stuff to talk about – my blog is having a CONTENT makeover-ish […]
The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour {Giveaway Included!}
Welcome to the blog tour and announcement and giveaway launch pad all rolled into one post! I’ve been “out of the office,” per se, but I had to pop on to make this post … and let you know what’s going on. This isn’t your average blog tour, but it’s still gonna be a fun […]