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Interview with Victoria Lynn, Author of Once I Knew

Hi there! I’m running late on everything, and this is one of those things, but I really wanted to share this lovely interview despite the fact that I’ve got a book coming out this weekend (!!!) and also owe you several blog posts (*coughs*). Victoria Lynn is without a doubt one of my favorite Christian […]

Souls Astray, Blog Tour Wrapup

Are you ready for the blog tour wrapup? This post has all the details for the blog posts – as well as links to the continuing giveaways (the main one plus multiple on Facebook). Also … wow. Thank you all for your support! It was really flattering. This has been my most lowkey blog tour […]

Orphans of the West: Wrap-Up and Facebook Party!

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to the wrapup post of the Orphans of the West blog tour! There’s a Facebook party starting in just a little bit here, so head over and check that out now! It looks like a load of fun. But while you’re here … let’s see who the winner is! 😉

Blog Tour: My British Bear

Hello ladies and gents, (*insert much applause, etc., hehe*) Today I’m interviewing Dawn Dagger, author of the novel My British Bear for her blog tour. I hope you enjoy the interview (and the included information about the book & tour).

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 5

It’s release day! *excited dancing* You can now purchase IvIn in Kindle. (Not that I expect you to, but that it is a possibility.) Paperback may take a while to get out, perhaps upwards of a couple days, but it will eventually. (Sorry for the delay … once again, busyness abounds!) For the release day, not […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 2

Annnnnd it’s Day 2! *everyone celebrates* *dancing in the streets* *salsa splashes everywhere* *its a salsa party* I … have no idea what any of that was about. So … yeah. Lots of .. salsa. I don’t even like salsa. #hatestomatoes #notaspicyperson So, today we have a couple fun posts, an informative vlog (don’t worry; they […]

Interview with H.G. Reilly

Hi guys! Now, normally I don’t do this kind of post on Reveries anymore (this is more of a Reveries Reviews thing), but I decided to post this interview here because I’m the owner of this blog, and I can do whatever I want on it. Besides, sometimes it’s fun to read about other authors than me. I know […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 5

We’ve finally come to the last day of the blog tour! After this, we’ll be getting back to the normal schedule. Buy on Amazon (Kindle) ~ Buy on Amazon (Paperback) ~ Buy on Createspace ~ Add on Goodreads Today’s Posts: An author and character interview (and bonus book spotlight!) by Morgan Dusky (Studies in Character). It’s always so […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 3

PUBLISHING DAY IS FINALLY UPON US!!! That’s right, folks! You can now buy The Lady of the Vineyard on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats! Buy on Amazon (Kindle) ~ Buy on Amazon (Paperback) ~ Buy on Createspace (hint: more royalties to be gotten for your favorite author here! 😉 ) ~ Add on Goodreads As you can […]