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Why I Chose Indie Publishing {Guest Post by Jenna Terese}

Today we have a guest poster talking about something very near and dear to my heart … why she chose indie publishing! Jenna Terese is listing pros & cons of self- and traditional publishing as well as her personal reasons for the decision. Meanwhile, I’m up on Mt. Hood. I mean … *glances at watch* […]

10K 1Day (how did I do that again?)

Hello folks! Kell here. At the beginning of July, I wrote 10,000 words in one day (10k 1Day). I wanted to do this several times this month, but so far I’ve only accomplished it once. Still, that’s good as I have never written 10k in a 1 day except during NaNoWriMo (the main event not […]

The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour {Giveaway Included!}

Welcome to the blog tour and announcement and giveaway launch pad all rolled into one post! I’ve been “out of the office,” per se, but I had to pop on to make this post … and let you know what’s going on. This isn’t your average blog tour, but it’s still gonna be a fun […]

Why Indie Authors Must Compartmentalize

Hi there! It’s Kell, and I was on vacation at Gearhart, Oregon, so naturally this is a little late. I totally missed Wednesday as my computer wouldn’t function, and I was tired. Now, while I was on that beach trip to Gearhart (check out my Instagram for pictures!), I realized something about myself. It’s something […]

Faith Alone | Blog Tour Wrapup

Well, ladies and gents, are you ready to see the complete line up of blog posts for the Faith Alone blog tour? Because I am! We’ve got some great reviews, interviews, and book spotlights from people of all walks of life! Which I think makes it a well-rounded blog tour which gives you some different […]

Faith Alone | Blog Tour Intro and Mini Review!

Hey, ladies and gents! Today I’m privileged to share my review of Faith Alone along with the blog tour information (so lots of fun stops for you). I was just going to share the blog tour info, but I realized I had a lot to say about Faith Alone. (All good things, all good things […]

5 Author Blogging Tips, Spamalot, and Other Updates

Hey y’all! I know … I’ve got some explaining to do! Each of my followers got something like twenty-eight emails this Wednesday. I bet you were confused … a lot of you contacted me to let me know, which I really appreciated. I’ll explain that in this post along with giving you my best author […]

Souls Astray: Cover Reveal!

Are you read to see Souls Astray‘s cover? Because today I’m going to give it to you … along with a preorder link and announcements about blog tours and whatnot! For that reason, today’s post will be short, but you know what? I’m still exhausted, so it had to be that way. And yeah, I […]

Reveries Co. Blog Tour Wrapup

And here we are … the final day for the blog tour! 🤪😶😱😯 Never have five days flown so fast … and I’ve been crazy busy! This is the last day to score HUGE discounts from our service providers! Click here to check them out! Just so you know, you can still enter giveaways and whatnot […]

Kind is Launched! (p.s. Merry Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve!)

Hello! Today is a brief post to announce an important event … KIND IS LAUNCHED! The book is now up on Amazon and Goodreads. Be sure to grab yourself a copy – and if you do, leave a review! Kind is my favorite short story that I wrote! It’s so full of holiday cheer, and it […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 6

Welcome to Real Life Day, which is also day 5 (whoosh!) of the Beyond Her Calling blog tour! I’m going to be talking about the people, places, animals, and other miscellaneous things that inspired me while outlining and writing, helped me finish the book, helped me edit it, etc. Hang tight, because I have a […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 4

Hullo, folks! Welcome tae th’ fourth day o’ th’ Beyond Her Calling blog tour! Jordy McAllen here! Today is Jordy Day! Which means we shall talk about me an’ me an’ me. (An’ I’m no’ givin’ ye a “glossary,” so ye better keep up with me brogue!) An’ now, let’s talk about Jordy McAllen (e.g. me)! (an’ th’ […]