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Five Fall Favorites, Day 2: Christian Romance

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to my blog … and to my second post in Five Fall Favorites 2017! (Yes, I am copying a little of what I said yesterday, but it’s hard to be different every day for a week!)

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 1

Hello, all! Welcome to day 1 of the blog tour of Ivy Introspective and The Dressmaker’s Secret. I can’t believe there are only four days until the book launch! Today you can pre-order Ivy Introspective on Kindle while The Dressmaker’s Secret is available in both paperback and Kindle on Amazon (though print may take a while […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 4

Wow … I can’t believe we’re already at day 4! Only one day to go! Well, I’ve got some sad news. This is our smallest day due to some problems people (including me!) had that made us have to do some re-scheduling! Oh, well. I deserve it for totally forgetting about 9/11. Everyone: *posting pictures saying […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 1

Wow. I have never been so nervous and yet so excited at the same time. 😀 My very own blog tour! How marvelous! How wonderous! How perfectly … I’d better stop before I end up doing another Cruella Deville impression, but you get the point. It’s so exciting! 🙂 Preorder on Amazon ~ Add on […]

The Lady of the Vineyard, Blog Tour Sign-ups

A few quick updates before we begin … Giving away an autographed copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret on Goodreads. Actually making progress on Ivy Introspective! 😀 I’ve chosen some titles for The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 4. Vote here! Still looking for beta-readers for The Lady of the Vineyard. Well, guys, it’s time […]

The Silent Blade by Jesseca Wheaton

Hi guys! It’s time for a review of The Silent Blade by Jesseca Wheaton! I’m a proud member of her blog tour, and today is my scheduled posting day, so I’m posting when I wouldn’t usually (according to my new schedule … which I should mention to you sometimes includes no weekend posts unless I’m […]