Introducing the New Characters in A Prayer Unanswered (+ ARC Signups!)

Today I have an exciting announcement—ARC signups for A Prayer Unanswered are open! And this time, I’m doing paperbacks! This link with all the info on that is here, but I’ll explain more later. However, I wanted to do something other than just talk about the new arrivals to this series. What better way to […]

5 Romance Tropes I Can’t Get Enough Of

Hi y’all! Today I’m going to tell you about 5 romance tropes I can’t get enough of. Why? Because they are perfect. Because we all need a little awesome cliché in our lives. Because originality is overrated, and why teach a old dog new tricks if you can just tweak the trick so it’s slightly […]

Who Won Kell’s 1K Contest?

Heyyyyyy, y’all! I’ve been crazy busy! *making up excuses for not getting stuff done* #likeapro #afakepro So yep, I went ahead and skipped this last week both because I was exhausted, sick (feverish symptoms? Might just be girl stuff, but who knows), and I had a bunch of stuff to do. Also, last week basically […]

The Journey by Alleece Balts {Review}

Well, today I’ve come to a book that I really struggle to review! A part of me liked it … but the other part of me? Not so much. However, there comes a time in every reviewer’s life when they have to review a novel they’re not quite sure of, and now is that time. […]