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September Character Studies: Celebrations

You may not have noticed, but I was too busy to do last month’s character study, so I’m doing it today. 🙂 There are ten questions here. You can also find them on Morgan Dusky’s amazing blog, Studies in Character. Remember to check them out and perhaps do them yourself! The theme this month is ‘celebrations […]

Five Fall Favorites: Christmas, Classics, and Wrap-Up

Well, Five Fall Favorites is officially over! I’ve just got to tell you about two more genres, announce the winners, and say good-bye to all your lovely people! I’m so glad to have you here (if you’re a guest for FFF), and of course it was great to have you participate, regular readers. I love […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 5: Middle Grade and Picture Books

Welcome to Day 5! It’s the final day before we close up and announce the winners, so hurry up and enter the giveaway! Remember what’s at stake: And there will also be a second and third prize if we get enough entries, so invite your friends and family! 🙂 Today the genres are (as you […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 4: Western and Inspiration (Animals, that is)

Hosted by Read Another Page Today is ‘western’ and ‘inspirational’ day. Now, I couldn’t remember reading any books that counted as ‘inspirational,’ so … yeah. I guess I just don’t need inspiring. XD So I replaced ‘inspirational’ with ‘animals.’ Yeah … that is a genre … 😛 Remember, you could win this prize … And […]

Quick Announcement for Five Fall Favorites

Hi guys! We of the Five Fall Favorites blog party decided to up the stakes! If we reach 75 people entered in the Grand Prize giveaway, we will give a 2nd place prize of: a $5 Amazon Gift Card and Two Kindle Books If we reach 100 or more people we’ll give a 3rd place […]

Five Fall Favorites, Day 1: Mystery and Christian Fiction

The blog party has begun! Find out more about the blog party here! Yep! We’ve got some awesome stuff being given away. I’m very jealous of you. You at least get a chance of winning … I don’t. 🙁 😉 Anyway, today I’m going to be telling you about my top five favorites for the […]

September 2016 Spotlight ~ IvIn Excerpt and Theme

Well, it’s once-again time for our monthly spotlight! Just in case you need a refresher, here’s the first spotlight post where I explained what a spotlight is, where I got the idea from, etc. This month I’m going to be sharing a little bit of my novel, Ivy Introspective, which is hopefully coming out sometime in […]

Feeling vs. Thinking in Writing

I know, I know! A Step-by-Step Guide to Publishing with Createspace for Intelligent People (Part 2) was supposed to be posted today. But … too lazy and too enthused about this new idea (which, disclaimer, I got from the book Writing With Power by Peter Elbow. I’ve only read the first chapter, but I’m smart enough to […]

On Sprinters, Elections, and NaNo

First, I just want to say I’m amazed by the amount of support I got when publishing The Lady of the Vineyard. Thank you all a million times! I hope I’ll be there for you in the same way if you ever publish (or when you do again). Okay now … let’s do ’em in […]

Guest Post: A Chat About … Writing Villains!

Okay, guys! Today we’re doing something we’ve never done before! WE ARE HOSTING ANOTHER BLOGGER ON REVERIES!!! That’s right! The amazing Coralie of the fantastic blog Cora & Callie has written a guest post for us. It’s about villains! I hope you’re as excited to read it as I was. 🙂 And, because I’m insane […]

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 5

We’ve finally come to the last day of the blog tour! After this, we’ll be getting back to the normal schedule. Buy on Amazon (Kindle) ~ Buy on Amazon (Paperback) ~ Buy on Createspace ~ Add on Goodreads Today’s Posts: An author and character interview (and bonus book spotlight!) by Morgan Dusky (Studies in Character). It’s always so […]