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Giveaways & Wrapups & the Future, Oh My!

Ready for the future? I’m not. *has no plans for anything past next month* But this post is about the plans for future books, publications, etc. – and it has signups for ARCs, blog tours, and all of that stuff! Also, I want to talk about The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy – and what […]

We’ve Come a Long Way, Mates

Hello, mates. I’ve been thinking about the future a lot – but, though my mantra could easily be “keep moving forward” (or “live in the moment; work for the future”), I love remembering the past, too. I’ve realized recently as I make plans for the future and think how to enact them in the present […]

3 Fun Ways to Plan for the Future

I have mixed feelings about planning for the future. One part of me is so thrilled for the future that I can barely wait and can’t stop dreaming about it. The other part of me is like, “Eh. That sounds boring. What will be will be.” So, to soothe both sides of me, I make […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 7

Hey y’all! This is the last official post of the blog tour before the wrapup tomorrow evening! Sorry for it getting out so late. I worked from 10 AM until pretty much now today, so yep. Tomorrow’s post will be similar – only even later. (Gym meet!) Today is future day! That means we’re talking […]

2019: Year of the Relaunch

It has been forever since I’ve had a post where I got to ramble about my future plans. Since I always have future plans (even though they’re not quite organized enough to be un-rambly). So … let’s talk about 2019! I know that seems like a long ways away, but I’ve got some shocking announcements. […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 5

Only two more days of blog touring! I can’t believe it’s going so fast! All the amazing bloggers as well as the readers who keep me going with their comments have made this time really fly. Today’s process day! That means we’ll be talking about how At Her Fingertips came to be thought of, brainstormed, outlined, […]