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NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #4

I decided to do the post today as I doubt I’ll have time for one tomorrow – and I’ll be at the beach, anyway – and I obviously didn’t have time for one Monday! 🙂 At 44,594 words (and I haven’t written yet today), I’m zipping along at a pretty decent pace. Can I write 5,406 […]

NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #2

The first five times (yes, five!) times I wrote the title, I wrote ‘NaNoWriMo 2016 Updated #2.’ Consider yourself updated. *sports reference* *confirmation of points received* Yep. My fingers type with no regard to my brain sometimes … Back to our regularly scheduled programming, my word count has now reached 28o46 words. Some days I write more, […]

NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #1

At 14,588 words, I’m pretty proud with what I’ve accomplished this November so far. I think I could have done more … but there have been distractions. School, visiting siblings, an early Thanksgiving dinner, realizing that I haven’t touched my guitar in months and that the only song I practiced this year on my clarinet […]

Plotting Crash Course, Day Four: Cheat Sheets and a Break

Well, we’ve only got a couple more days until NaNoWriMo starts. I’ve been doing a lot of work to get myself prepared – such as spending all afternoon and evening yesterday reading a random book which has nothing to do with NaNo Prep. Yep. Subtle sarcasm … Seriously, though, folks. Lately I’ve been working a […]

How to Start a Novel

Now, I’ve never really had problems with starting novels. Finishing them, yes, definitely. Starting them … not so much. It’s actually one of my worst habits, novel-starting. But a friend of mine asked me to write a post on starting novels … so here I am. I talked about this a little in my post […]

Prologues: The Dos and Don’ts

Prologues are, perhaps, the most greatly debated technique out there. They are greatly overused. Some stories – most stories – are better off without their prologues. They are out of style. Most publishers and readers dislike them. I’ve heard that some even skip them. Though I think that’s kind of stupid. Why bother reading the book if […]

Personality Types in The Dressmaker’s Secret

As some of you may know, there are sixteen basic personality types and, more or less, everyone can be classed into one of them. I favor the INTJ personality. At least I think so. My mom thinks I may be an ISTP or something else. Anyway, I took the personality test for the characters of my upcoming […]

The Last Week of NaNo Prep

I don’t know how it is for you, but for me outlining in the technical sense of outlining is nearly impossible! I can do it for already-existent works, but I can’t make an outline out of the swirling plotline (or lines) in my head! November 1st will be this coming Sunday and I haven’t gotten […]