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At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 3

AND WE GOT THROUGH THE FIRST DAY AND HERE WE ARE! *big grin* And today’s theme day, so we get to talk about meanings and lessons and all that fun stuff. Honestly, writing theme is hard for me. I’m always afraid I’ll come off as preachy! I believe I’ve avoided that for this book, however. The key […]

Plot Bunny Into Story?

Hiya, ladies and gents! Today I’m here to tell you how how to turn your plot bunny into a story (courtesy of me thinking about this a lot because that’s what I’m currently doing). Now, I’m by no means an expert, but I do believe I can offer some advice based on my personal experience, […]

Money + Plans for Money + Other Stuff

I was just thinking along, minding my own business, when suddenly, it hit me. I’m going into my last year of school. After I’m finished, I intend to get a job, save money, and take some community college courses for the first year. And … those are honestly my only plans. I mean, I want […]

Five Once a Stratton Quirks

While writing my current works-in-progress, Once a Stratton, I’ve noticed a few things that just don’t add up … or are simply not supposed to be there. I decided, instead of calling them ‘errors,’ to call them ‘quirks.’ It’s my sneaky way of getting you to read about me being stupid without even knowing it. […]

How to Use Pinterest as an Author

Pinterest is one of those things that most people have … but very few people use. Sure, you dink around on it for an average of ten hours a day and now you feel like you’re attached to your account at the waist (you laughed, you cried, you smiled … you don’t take that kind of relationship lightly). But […]

Focus … and Re-Focus …

Well, guys, I’ve made a tough decision. I’m going to focus on editing/revising Ivy Introspective and The Dressmaker’s Secret for these next couple months to the exclusion of all other projects. What does that mean? No more Flowers?! Well, I’ve almost finished the story, and I think I need a second opinion to keep going. […]

A Quick Blogging Tip

I admit I came to the computer today with no post to give you. I sat down and logged into WordPress and created a new post and categorized it under “Noveling Advice” … and I waited. Another glance at the schedule (because maybe my eyes deceived me the first time?) confirmed the fact that today is indeed […]

January 2017 Spotlight: Yet Another Peek into the Workings of At Her Fingertips

Another spotlight is upon us, and today I’m going to veer into uncharted waters with a discussion about The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 3: At Her Fingertips. What? you say. You’ve posted thousands of excerpts and quotes and made us read through post upon post about every stage of your outlining and writing process! […]

In Which We Examine Millie Lark on a Non-Professional Basis

Today we’re going to take a peak at the inner workings of a character from The Lady of the Vineyard. Her name is Millie Lark. She is Adele Collier’s best friend. She gets all of two paragraphs of page-time in TLOTV and perhaps a mention in Flowers. However, I like Millie and am considering writing a […]

December 2016 Spotlight: I Don’t Usually Write in this Genre …

I know it’s been several months (September, to be precise) since the last spotlight, but you remember what a spotlight is, right? Well, just to refresh your memory (or to inform you if you just started following me), it’s me shining a ‘spotlight’ on something I’m working on at the moment. Kinda like an author […]

December 2016 Dares

Once again we come around to our dares. As I skipped the month of November dare-wise (as all I wanted to do was write At Her Fingertips, which I did succeed at), I have nothing to fill you in on. That’s right. This month you don’t get to scroll through my post laughing maniacally at […]

NaNoWriMo 2016, Update #5

Guess what? That’s right! I currently have 53,462 words. However, I made my goal (50,000) on the 25th. How many more words do I expect to get before November’s up? Well, at most I expect to reach 60,000 … but even that would be a stretch. I think I have that much material story-wise … […]