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Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 7

Hey y’all! This is the last official post of the blog tour before the wrapup tomorrow evening! Sorry for it getting out so late. I worked from 10 AM until pretty much now today, so yep. Tomorrow’s post will be similar – only even later. (Gym meet!) Today is future day! That means we’re talking […]

Goldfish Secrets Is Launched! (+announcements)

Guess what? Goldfish Secrets is officially launched! You can now purchase it on the following online stores. So what? say you. Well, there’s a giveaway that everyone can enter, and of course y’all should just be glad that I published a new novel. *gives you a weird look* *because you obviously don’t care about me* […]

2019: Year of the Relaunch

It has been forever since I’ve had a post where I got to ramble about my future plans. Since I always have future plans (even though they’re not quite organized enough to be un-rambly). So … let’s talk about 2019! I know that seems like a long ways away, but I’ve got some shocking announcements. […]