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NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #3

Here we are this chilly (we just had our first frost! Which is weird, because it’s mid-November … global warming? XD Yeah, right.) evening. I’m writing my post. At least, I was. You’re reading my post. Hopefully. Wait … yeah, you’ve got to be reading my post. Or else you wouldn’t be able to know what […]

NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #2

The first five times (yes, five!) times I wrote the title, I wrote ‘NaNoWriMo 2016 Updated #2.’ Consider yourself updated. *sports reference* *confirmation of points received* Yep. My fingers type with no regard to my brain sometimes … Back to our regularly scheduled programming, my word count has now reached 28o46 words. Some days I write more, […]

Plotting Crash Course, Day Three: A New Book and a Perfect Review

This has been very much so a crash course … even more so than expected! I’ve done about a quarter of the posts about this as I expected to (but, to be fair, I intended to start in September and then stuff happened … blog parties, deciding to publish a book I had no intention […]

Photography, Poetry, and Life

Another of my three-in-one posts. 🙂 First, the new YWP NaNoWriMo site is out! You can find it here: I’m now know as RubyBell, though people can call me Kell still, of course. I’m pretty happy with the new site (especially since it’s just a beta site which doesn’t have all the stuff it will have over […]

Dares for October 2016

Well. I can’t believe September is over already! That went by in the flash. 😛 Well, let’s see how I did this September! 🙂 Dares for September 2016 Reading Read five books. Check! I think I read … eight? And those are only the ones I remembered to mark on Goodreads … that weren’t for […]

Introducing Riley and the School-Year Schedule

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of schedules for the ‘new year,’ I’d like you to meet someone. 🙂 Isn’t he adorable? Yeah, I know that isn’t the best picture … I took it on the way home from picking him up yesterday! Yes, we did get him a couple days early … and even then, […]

Puppies and Titles

Today we’re going to talk about puppies and titles. I know, I know. Those SEEM like two totally unrelated topics. Truth is? They are. In other words, this word is full of random stuff, and I hope you enjoy it. 🙂 First, puppies. My dog Gidget, a beautiful Border Collie with 1/4 Australian Shepherd in her (that […]

Nothing More From Life by Kellyn Roth

It’s been raining pretty hard for a couple days now. Our yard is pretty drenched. But you know what? I like the rain! And that inspired the following poem: Nothing More From Life I ask nothing more from life Than to stand out in the rain And smell the air so crispy fresh And feel […]